Petitions in Biberach an der Riss
Notification of new petitions in Biberach an der Riss
Keine Straße an der Biberacher Alm - Planungsstopp für die Gemeindeverbindungsstraße Blosenberg
1216 days
in dialogue
Basic data
- Elected representative
- Oberbürgermeister Norbert Zeidler
- Habitants
- 34,331
- Allowed to vote
- ~ 26.000
Quorum data
- oPetition Quorum (signatures)
- 620
- Convene an open council (signatures)
- ~ 860
- Einwohnerantrag / Bürgerantrag (signatures)
- ~ 520
- Citizens' initiative (signatures)
- ~ 1.800
- Referendum (signatures)
- ~ 5.200
Contact info
- Website
- Parliament
- list of parliamentarians
- Petition in writing to postal address
- Oberbürgermeister Norbert Zeidler
Marktplatz 7/1
88400Biberach an der Riß