
It is 2020. Catcalling should be punishable.

Kampanje tas opp
Christine Lambrecht (Bundesministerin der Justiz und für Verbraucherschutz), Dr. Franziska Giffey (Bundesministerin für Familie, Senioren, Frauen und Jugend) & Bundesregierung

69 444 Signaturer

Mottaker av kampanjen svarte ikke.

69 444 Signaturer

Mottaker av kampanjen svarte ikke.

  1. Startet 2020
  2. Innsamling ferdig
  3. Sendt inn
  4. Dialog
  5. Mislyktes


Hvorfor er kampanjen verdt å støtte?

Skriv argument

Ved å publisere innlegget mitt godtar jeg vilkårene for bruk og personvernregler for openPetition . Fornærmelser, baktalelse og usanne anklageser bringes til varsel.

As an expat, I can assure that if one ignores such offences then the situation aggravates with time and even an offence like catcalling (which some people might think is insignificant but is NOT) could lead eventually to even worse crimes so “Nip the evil in the bud!” Just for an experiment: Try for yourself being a woman for few days and if you get catcalled, I am assertive you would taste the fear, despair, and anger that women feel. I respect the other gender and since we are all equal, I expect the same from all of them (I say ‘All’ because I agree majority of the men are respectful)



0 motargumenter

Ved å publisere innlegget mitt godtar jeg vilkårene for bruk og personvernregler for openPetition . Fornærmelser, baktalelse og usanne anklageser bringes til varsel.


Hva taler mot denne kampanjen?

Skriv argument

Ved å publisere innlegget mitt godtar jeg vilkårene for bruk og personvernregler for openPetition . Fornærmelser, baktalelse og usanne anklageser bringes til varsel.

Mrs. Quell, your request is understandable and justified, but I consider the way to limit the use of the law to be completely wrong and very susceptible to abuse. Therefore I decline. This problem is already present in the current criminal liability of sexual harassment: - "Harassment is not an objective condition, but a subjective feeling"; - "A demarcation from social adequacy is hardly possible [...] actually the facts of the case open upopens up an area of application for false suspicions, threats, revenge actions.



0 motargumenter

Ved å publisere innlegget mitt godtar jeg vilkårene for bruk og personvernregler for openPetition . Fornærmelser, baktalelse og usanne anklageser bringes til varsel.

I firmly reject your project because it would unnecessarily extend the legal criminal liability and lead to a legal situation that is very susceptible to false accusations between the sexes and will not lead to any real improvement for either women or men. What is needed instead is a new self-confidence/understanding for women and men, which in essence promotes a mutual encounter at eye level, instead of continuing to push women into the role of victims and generally defaming men as criminals.



0 motargumenter

Ved å publisere innlegget mitt godtar jeg vilkårene for bruk og personvernregler for openPetition . Fornærmelser, baktalelse og usanne anklageser bringes til varsel.

Bidra til å styrke innbyggermedvirkning. Vi ønsker å gjøre dine bekymringer hørt samtidig som vi forblir uavhengige.

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