03/01/2024, 02:11
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der Petent oder die Petentin hat innerhalb der letzten 12 Monate nach Ende der Unterschriftensammlung keine Neuigkeiten erstellt und den Status nicht geändert. openPetition geht davon aus, dass die Petition nicht eingereicht oder übergeben wurde.
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Ihr openPetition-Team
09/28/2022, 18:39
The English text had not been in the correct style yet. Therefore we adopted the English translation according to the German petition, so that it can be understood by people worldwide. Also the right links for sources had to be added which we did in this last step of changes.
Neue Begründung:
According to the Children's Fund, only individual aspects of children's rights-based democracy education are anchored in the guidelines for schools and daycare centers [3]. In individual federal states such as North Rhine-Westphalia, Hesse and Lower Saxony, UNICEF model projects such as "children's rights schools" have been implemented for some time. But a holistic and obligatory children's rights education is not anchored as an overarching subject of instruction in the curricula and educational plans of the federal states [4]. These gaps in the legal requirements regarding children's rights and democracy education must be overcome.
We demand concretely:
- Children's rights must be explicitly mentioned in school and daycare laws and uniform quality standards for children's rights education must be set nationwide.
- Children's rights must be firmly included in all school curricula as well as in all educational curricula of daycare centers and must be communicated in an age-appropriate manner.
- Children's rights education must be sustainably anchored and conveyed in the training and continuing education of teaching and educational staff.
- Children's rights must be lived in everyday life at school and daycare centers and must be action-oriented entities in the sense of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.
As part of the film "Kinder, wie geht's? Der große Report mit Tobi Krell" (VOX), Tobias Krell, known as "Checker Tobi," documented stories of children all over Germany for a year. The children show a refreshingly honest, but also harrowing view of the world from their eyes. Their words have moved us to set up this petition. Because the children often know exactly what should be done now. Time to learn from them.
[1] § 42 I UN-Kinderrechtskonvention; [2] Seibert, u.a. (2020): The Impact of COVID-19 on Violence against Women and Children in Germany. München; [3] Kompetenznetzwerk Demokratiebildung im Kindesalter (2021): Kinderrechtebasierte Demokratiebildung im Primarbereich. Berlin; [4] National Coalition Deutschland (2019): Die Umsetzung der UN-Kinderrechtskonvention in Deutschland. 5. / 6. Ergänzender Bericht an die Vereinten Nationen. Berlin, S. 57.
Unterschriften zum Zeitpunkt der Änderung: 62 (61 in Deutschland)