Region: Germany
Civil rights

14 days left

Strengthening Democracy - Citizen Veto Right for Law-Making of the German Bundestag

Petition is addressed to
Deutscher Bundestag

164,282 signatures

160,768 from 200,000 for quorum in Germany Germany

164,282 signatures

160,768 from 200,000 for quorum in Germany Germany
  1. Launched 03/02/2025
  2. Time remaining 14 days
  3. Submission
  4. Dialog with recipient
  5. Decision

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02/04/2025, 00:28

Neues Zeichnungsende: 23.02.2025
Unterschriften zum Zeitpunkt der Änderung: 13.089 (13.038 in Deutschland)

02/03/2025, 23:11

Treffendere Übersetzung für die Überschrift gewählt (Demokratie Stärken...)
- Empowering -> Strengthening
- legislation (passing) -> Law-Making

Law for Veto right -> Law for Veto Right (right kapitalisiert und fett gemacht)

kleinere Korrekturen (Artikel, Punktuation)

Neuer Titel: Strengthening Democracy - Citizen Veto Right for legislation (passing)Law-Making of the German Bundestag

Neues Zeichnungsende: 23.02.2025
Unterschriften zum Zeitpunkt der Änderung: 12.417 (12.370 in Deutschland)

02/03/2025, 23:07

Treffendere Übersetzung für die Überschrift gewählt (Demokratie Stärken...) (Empowering -> Strengthening).

Law for Veto right -> Law for Veto Right (right kapitalisiert und fett gemacht)

Neue Begründung:

We are concerned that democracy loses its supporters and thereby its supporting fundament. The Leipziger study on Authoritarianism of 2024 states: "Democracy as it works in Germany only gets 42.3 percent of approval."(1)

The right for a procedure of approval demanded by us - or for shortshort, veto right - exists in Swiss for over than 150 years in the form of the facultative referendum ("Fakultatives Referendum"). It has always reminded politicians that their profession resides first and foremost in being a representative of the people and only then, in second instance, being career politician, party politician and lobbyist. In this way, laws are spawned that can endure the majoritarian will of the People.

A veto right would steal all populist's thunder who provoke the opposition of "those above" (the elite) and "those below" (the general public and especially the poor without means). It would take people at their word who view themselves as fighters for the true will of the People.

The veto right does not question the power of ultimate decision immanent in a representative democracy. Moreover, it draws a direct connection between politics and the People again. A connection we progressively lost over the course of the last 75 years during the existence of the constitution.

The constitution attributes an important control function (role of checks and balances) to the People. The execution of control once every 4 years by elections is insufficient. Control of delegated power should happen continously all the time in order to prevent damage from the people in the nation.

We want to inspire and delight people for (taking part in) democracy and gain back trust in politics.

Let's bolster up the nation with the help of a veto right!

Please sign the petition. The more we are, the more successful we will be.

Neues Zeichnungsende: 23.02.2025
Unterschriften zum Zeitpunkt der Änderung: 12.355 (12.308 in Deutschland)

02/03/2025, 23:03

Treffendere Übersetzung für die Überschrift gewählt (Demokratie Stärken...) (Empowering -> Strengthening).

Law for Veto right -> Law for Veto Right (right kapitalisiert und fett gemacht)

Neuer Petitionstext:

In fundamental decision making (legislation) for the collective (of citizens), it is important that the majority of people acknowledges these decisions. By their veto, citizens should have the right to state their "No" to a law (proposed by the Bundestag).

Concretely, citizens should be able to demand by their veto, that laws of the Bundestag should be approved by plebiscite. This means that a new law could only take effect, if it gets the necessary approval in a plebiscite.

For a veto to be realized, 500.000 valid signatures within a 100 days have to be collected.

The new Bundestag, which will be collected at the 23.02.2025, should pass a Law for Veto Right after its first conference and yet before the formation of a new administration. We wish for a public polling without three-line whip (enforcement of faction).

Neues Zeichnungsende: 23.02.2025
Unterschriften zum Zeitpunkt der Änderung: 12.285 (12.238 in Deutschland)

02/03/2025, 23:02

Treffendere Übersetzung für die Überschrift gewählt (Demokratie Stärken...) (Empowering -> Strengthening).

Law for Veto right -> Law for a Veto Right (right kapitalisiert und fett gemacht)

Neues Zeichnungsende: 23.02.2025
Unterschriften zum Zeitpunkt der Änderung: 12.277 (12.230 in Deutschland)

02/03/2025, 23:01

Treffendere Übersetzung für die Überschrift gewählt (Demokratie Stärken...) (Empowering -> Strengthening).

Law for Veto right -> Law for a Veto Right (right kapitalisiert und fett gemacht)

Neuer Petitionstext:

In fundamental decision making (legislation) for the collective (of citizens), it is important that the majority of people acknowledges these decisions. By their veto, citizens should have the right to state their "No" to a law (proposed by the Bundestag).

Concretely, citizens should be able to demand by their veto, that laws of the Bundestag should be approved by plebiscite. This means that a new law could only take effect, if it gets the necessary approval in a plebiscite.

For a veto to be realized, 500.000 valid signatures within a 100 days have to be collected.

The new Bundestag, which will be collected at the 23.02.2025, should pass a Law for Veto rightRight after its first conference and yet before formation of a new administration. We wish for a public polling without three-line whip (enforcement of faction).

Neue Begründung:

We are concerned that democracy loses its supporters and thereby its supporting fundament. The Leipziger study on Authoritarianism of 2024 states: "Democracy as it works in Germany only gets 42.3 percent of approval."(1)

The right for a procedure of approval demanded by us - or for short veto right - exists in Swiss for over than 150 years in the form of the facultative referendum ("Fakultatives Referendum"). It has always reminded politicians that their profession resides first and foremost in being a representative of the people and only then, in second instance, being career politician, party politician and lobbyist. In this way, laws are spawned,spawned that can endure the majoritarian will of the People.

A veto right would steal all populist's thunder who provoke the opposition of "those above" (the elite) and "those below" (the general public and especially the poor without means). It would take people at their word who view themselves as fighters for the true will of the People.

The veto right does not question the power of ultimate decision immanent in a representative democracy. Moreover, it draws a direct connection between politics and the People again. A connection we progressively lost over the course of the last 75 years during the existence of the constitution.

The constitution attributes an important control function (role of checks and balances) to the People. The execution of control once every 4 years by elections is insufficient. Control of delegated power should happen continously all the time in order to prevent damage from the people in the nation.

We want to inspire and delight people for (taking part in) democracy and gain back trust in politics.

Let's bolster up the nation with the help of a veto right!

Please sign the petition. The more we are, the more successful we will be.

Neues Zeichnungsende: 23.02.2025
Unterschriften zum Zeitpunkt der Änderung: 12.270 (12.223 in Deutschland)

02/03/2025, 22:53

Treffendere Übersetzung für die Überschrift gewählt (Demokratie Stärken...) (Empowering -> Strengthening).

Neuer Titel: EmpoweringStrengthening Democracy - Citizen Veto Right for legislation (passing) of the German Bundestag

Neues Zeichnungsende: 23.02.2025
Unterschriften zum Zeitpunkt der Änderung: 12.122 (12.075 in Deutschland)

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