Region: United Nations General Assembly
Bild der Petition UN Bodies Must Not Cancel Human Rights!

UN Bodies Must Not Cancel Human Rights!

Petent/in nicht öffentlich
Petition richtet sich an
UN Secretary-General António Guterres

254 Unterschriften

Die Petition wurde vom Petenten zurückgezogen

254 Unterschriften

Die Petition wurde vom Petenten zurückgezogen

  1. Gestartet 2018
  2. Sammlung beendet
  3. Eingereicht
  4. Dialog
  5. Gescheitert

06.06.2018, 23:47

Formatting improved

Neuer Petitionstext: __Petition to the United Nations General Assembly,
to the attention of UN Secretary-General António Guterres__
The UN Human Rights Committee (HRCttee) wants to enforce abortion legalization until birth, ignoring all human rights of unborn children.
But Article 1 UDHR says: ‘All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights’. We are also born with legs and arms, in the same way our dignity and rights were already there long before birth.
Since slavery and serfdom are prohibited, no one may treat unborn children as private property of their mothers.
So far, the UN bodies have often striven for the complete legalization of abortions. Since then, however, a majority in the UN General Assembly regularly blocked such claims in all its resolutions.
__As citizens of nations all over the world__ we respectfully call on the General Assembly to exercise its authority on all UN bodies and to adopt a resolution,
- **confirming** that the inherent human dignity and equal human rights
must be recognized for each member of the human family
since the beginning of his physical existence at procreation,
- **prohibiting** all UN bodies
to require, support or recommend any abortion,
as abortion violates human rights of children before their birth [4,5],
- **confirming** that nobody can be authorized to declare or waive
any obligation on a state or persons living there,
independent and indisputable by the organs of that state,
as this violates the state’s sovereignty [7,17],
- **prohibiting** all UN bodies
to claim any obligations of souveran states
that are not part of ratified treaties [7].
- **establishing** an UN Special Rapporteur or Independent Expert
on violence and discrimination before birth,
- **instructing** the UN Secretary-General to reprove any member
of the Human Rights Committee who did not vote against the support of abortion in GC No 36 [1], due to violation of article 5 ICCPR [6], and in future to take disciplinary action against any member of UN bodies that violates above prohibitions up to immediate dismissal.
**2. In **In case the General Assembly will not adopt**
a resolution according to these requests, **we will escalate**
and request each Contracting State of the ICCPR by its own, sovereign decision [8] to withdraw its Declarations on Competence of the Human Rights Committee
a) to receive and consider inter state communications [9] and
b) to receive and consider complaints of persons [10].
The UN Human Rights Committee actually has been mandated to oversee compliance with the Civil Covenant (ICCPR), and to explain human rights by 'General Comments'. While a 'General Comment' is not legally binding, it is used as a reference text and means of exerting pressure on States. Currently, its 18 independent members are planning a new General Comment on the Right to Life (GC No 36 [1]). But herein they claim in paragraph 9:
___'States parties must provide safe access to abortion___ (..) _in situations in which carrying a pregnancy to term would cause the woman substantial pain or suffering_ (..)' [optional and veiling sections suppressed]
Neither the existence of the unborn child nor its human rights are mentioned in a word. Instead the HRCttee invents here a novel duty of states to provide legal __abortions without any limitations__, as nobody can guarantee that a birth will take place without substantial pain.
Contrary to the wording of human rights [5,11,12,14,15], despite the conviction of virtually all UN states, that consider it necessary to restrict abortion [2], and despite extensive rejoinders [3], the HRCttee refuses stubbornly to withdraw this claim.
This is unacceptable. We require a basic change.

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