Région: Allemagne

Continuous cycle path on the Prenzlauer Promenade towards the north

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781 signatures

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781 signatures

Le pétitionnaire n'a pas soumis/transmis la pétition

  1. Lancé 2021
  2. Collecte terminée
  3. Soumis
  4. Dialogue
  5. Echoué

La pétition est adressée à : Bezirksverordnetenversammlung

We demand a cycle path on the Prenzlauer Promenade towards the north. The current cycle path ends at the Prenzlauer Promenade / Am Steinberg intersection. After the intersection cyclists must ride on the road. The road has two car lanes heading north. We demand that the two wide lanes from the intersection of Prenzlauer Promenade / Am Steinberg to the intersection of Prenzlauer Promenade / Treskowstraße be narrowed and that a cycle path be added. From the intersection of Prenzlauer Promenade / Treskowstraße to Prenzlauer Promenade / Rothenbachstraße we demand a cycle path, that can be added as follows. Either a wider two-way cycle path on the other side, which is clearly marked for car drivers. For this purpose, parking slots can be converted into the cycle path. Or, as recommended by the ADFC, a bike path in the middle of the street. After the intersection of Prenzlauer Promenade / Rothenbachstrasse, the cycle path should continue on the existing sidewalk / cycle path.


It is very dangerous for cyclists to drive on the busy main road. Even trucks hardly keep distance to cyclists. The bike path on the other side of the street is too narrow for cyclists in either direction and there have been several accidents. Any proposed solution is significantly more secure than the current situation.

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Pétition lancée: 05/11/2021
Fin de la pétition: 03/01/2022
Région: Allemagne
Catégorie: Transport

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