Region: Germany

Financial aid for freelancers and artists during the "#Corona-Shutdown"

Petitioner not public
Petition is addressed to
German Government & Ministry of Finance

290,293 signatures

Petition has contributed to the success

290,293 signatures

Petition has contributed to the success

  1. Launched 2020
  2. Collection finished
  3. Submitted
  4. Dialogue
  5. Success

The petition was successful!

Petition is addressed to: German Government & Ministry of Finance

The corona virus is spreading rapidly. This is accompanied by numerous measures. Regardless of whether they are justified or not, they have a direct impact, not only on the firms, companies, corporations, etc. affected. But also - because of cancellations of events such as concerts, trade fairs, performances in theatres, opera houses and concert halls, etc. - on several freelancers who make their living from the income of such events.

Due to this freelance status, many of these artists (including singers, instrumentalists, event and stage technicians, photographers, film artists, freelance authors and journalists etc., but ultimately every freelance worker, from day care to many employees in museums and memorials; see final remark) live on the edge of the subsistence level anyway, but the current mass cancellation of events threatens to push them over this edge. The legal regulations for loss of earnings do not apply either.

The legal regulations for loss of earnings only apply if you have to be quarantined yourself. As with all other people, however, bills and liabilities, rent, electricity, living expenses and much more still have to be paid, and often whole families are threatened by this loss of income.

I therefore call upon the federal and state governments to not only concentrate on companies and their employees when it comes to the proposed financial aid and support. The oftentimes precarious situation of the above-mentioned freelancers/artists has to be taken into account and the financial aid should be extended to them as unbureaucratically as possible.

Many of my colleagues are not in a position to easily survive a month or two without income, which might be necessary in the current situation. Society may be able to do without cultural life for some time. But if it does so for too long, we could end up in a situation with nobody left to revive it.

So please: don't forget about the artists!


Richard von Weizsäcker: "Culture is expensive. Mainly because access to it souldn't be limited by personal wealth.

The funding of cultural matters should be no less of an obligatory task of the public budget than, for example, road construction, public security or the financing of public service salaries.

For culture is not a luxury that we can afford or cut as we please, but the intellectual ground that ensures our inner survival."

At present, the survival of those who cultivate and prepare this "intellectual ground" for the "inner survival" on a daily basis is in acute danger! The livelihoods of countless artists and freelancers are on the brink of extinction, if the politicians do not help as quickly and unbureaucratically as possible.

Secure the survival of Germany as a nation of culture with your signature! Thousands of artists and other freelancers (and concert visitors, exhibition visitors, music lovers etc.) will thank you!

Final remark

This petition was started by a freelance singer, so at the beginning it focused on artists of all kinds, but mainly from the field of music. Of course, the situation is precarious for almost all freelancers, but I ask for your understanding that I did not mention all professional groups affected. I would therefore ask that everyone simply feels addressed under the term "freelancer". Thank you very much!

Thank you for your support

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Petition details

Petition started: 03/13/2020
Petition ends: 05/17/2020
Region: Germany
Topic: Culture

This petition has been translated into the following languages

Antwort an "Ihr lebt ja eh schon von Steuergeldern [...]" Erstens das stimmt gar nicht. Zweites wir leisten einen enormen Beitrag zu jeder Wirtschaft, der wir angehören (und hier, in Deutschland). Die meisten von uns leben von Monat zu Monat, von Jahr zu Jahr in einer immerwährenden Prekarität. In der Kunstwelt (und auch in anderen Bereichen der freiberuflichen Tätigkeit) stehen die Künstler*innen bei der Bezahlung am unteren Ende der Pyramide. Aber ohne sie gäbe es jedoch keine Kunst mehr. Die gegenwärtige Krise hat enorme Auswirkungen auf unser Leben, und wir brauchen Unterstützung.

Ihr lebt ja eh schon von Steuergeldern, arbeietet kaum, und verlangt nach 2 Wochen Coronahysterie schon Staatshilfen? Sucht euch doch mal einen anständigen Job.

This petition has been translated into the following languages

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