Regione: Vokietija

HDR10+ for 2016 Samsung SUHD Tvs

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812 parašai

Pareiškėjas prašymo nepateikė/įteikė.

812 parašai

Pareiškėjas prašymo nepateikė/įteikė.

  1. Pradėta 2018
  2. Rinkimas baigtas
  3. Pateikta
  4. Dialogas
  5. Nepavyko

Petition richtet sich an: Samsung

Samsung announced a new HDR10 + firmware update last year. Now claims Samsung after over the year waiting time, the HDR10 + with the SUHDTVS from the year 2016 is not compatible, since there are other specifications. Especially as this dies with very high probability only an excuse. For months, users ask for a firmware update and Samsung keeps covered. It is not legitimate to surround ourselves with customers like that.


Support this petition to make Samsung realize that we no longer liked customers as a customer. We want to watch TV with our expensive TVs without having to experience a picture printer. It can not be in time that a global company can not handle it. In the screenshot the Samsung HDR10 + firmware update is announced and no official statement will be made. Only in the Samsung Community the moderators did not create an HDR10 + update for the users.

Please support this petition. Many Thanks

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Informacija apie peticiją

Petition gestartet: 2018-04-04
Petition endet: 2018-09-06
Regione: Vokietija
tema: Verslas

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    Wir bedanken uns herzlich für Ihr Engagement und die Unterstützung,
    Ihr openPetition-Team


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