Region: Bad Boll

Let's restore the funerary monument of Richard Wilhelm

Petition is addressed to
Bürgermeister Hans-Rudi Bührle

62 signatures

0 from 200 for quorum in Bad Boll Bad Boll

62 signatures

0 from 200 for quorum in Bad Boll Bad Boll
  1. Launched 09/12/2024
  2. Time remaining > 3 months
  3. Submission
  4. Dialog with recipient
  5. Decision

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Petition is addressed to: Bürgermeister Hans-Rudi Bührle

We are the administrators of the forum "Yi Jing - I Ching - Noi e il Mutamento", an Italian-language community of enthusiasts and scholars of the ancient Chinese Book of Changes. We would like to inform the Municipality of Bad Boll (Baden-Württemberg, Germany), which hosts the tomb of Richard Wilhelm (1873-1930), a world-famous sinologist, known above all for being the author of the most widespread version of the I Ching, and his wife Salome Blumhardt, that the funerary monument (fig. 1) of its illustrious citizen currently presents an evident error in the arrangement of the covering slabs. In fact, a well-known sequence of symbols (called Trigrams) should be read there, which is called the houtian bagua (Sequence of the Later Heaven) in Chinese tradition (fig. 2). This sequence, which can be seen in its correct form in a previous photograph, has been altered by the exchange of two corner slabs (fig. 3), probably during restoration work.


The tomb, located in the cemetery of the Blumhardt family, is known worldwide by a large community of scholars and devotees of the I Ching (the Book of Changes), and for this reason it is a travel destination for visitors of various nationalities. We believe that the reported error, in addition to not paying due homage and respect to the memory of R. Wilhelm, constitutes a significant damage to the image of the Municipality where the tomb is located. We therefore ask and suggest that the competent authorities work towards an adequate restoration of the monument to bring it back to its original conditions.

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Petition details

Petition started: 12/09/2024
Petition ends: 06/08/2025
Region: Bad Boll
Topic: Culture

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