
Preservation of the Studienkolleg at the Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg

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Petition richtet sich an
Wissenschaftsminister Hartmut Möllring, Landesregierung, Landtag

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Die Petition wurde abgeschlossen

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Die Petition wurde abgeschlossen

  1. Gestartet 2014
  2. Sammlung beendet
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  4. Dialog
  5. Beendet

Petition richtet sich an: Wissenschaftsminister Hartmut Möllring, Landesregierung, Landtag

The Studienkolleg at the Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg shall not become a victim of the austerity policy in the department for sciences and economy!

For months the regional government (Landesregierung) in Saxony-Anhalt talks about cutbacks. According to the politicians the Land lacks about 2 billion € because current financial aid by the German State and the European Union are supposed to run out. The ministry for sciences and economy, which is also responsible for the universities, is likewise called on to economise. Till 2020 the universities in Saxony-Anhalt shall receive 5 million € less per year with more cutbacks to follow. One of the consequences is the imminent close-down of several institutes at the universities.

The future of the Studienkolleg in Halle is also in danger. The Studienkolleg offers preparatory classes for students from over 50 countries and enables them to study in Germany. It is very shocking that they shall be robbed of this chance for the mere reason of austerity. This development is not going to encourage a welcoming atmosphere at the German universities.

In addition, the German state has announced to support the Bundesländer with additional money, at least 30 million € in the case of Saxony-Anhalt. The cutbacks are therefore not only senseless but unnecessary.

We demand the minister for sciences and economy Hartmut Möllring and the whole government of Saxony-Anhalt to preserve the Studienkolleg at the Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg.


There are many reasons against the close-up of the Studienkolleg which is why we cannot comprehend the current plans of the government.

• For young talents from all over the world the Studienkolleg offers their ONLY chance to study in Germany because their national High School diploma is not accepted.

• Internationalisation of the German universities is a pronounced aim of the government. For example, the Federal ministry of Education and Research refers to it as “central component in the profile of German universities”(1). With the close-up of the Studienkolleg the government would thus thwart its own plans.

• This interest for places at the Studienkolleg is much higher than its capacities. In winter 2014 1200 people from over 50 countries applied while only 120 places are available per semester.

• Only with an experienced preparation in scientific methods like the Studienkolleg offers enables a successful course of studies at a German university. According to a study by the German Academic Exchange Service an international student with a preparation by the Studienkolleg is three times more likely to finish his studies while those students without preparation are more likely to fail.(2)

• The German State has announced several millions of additional aid. As there is sufficient money any cutbacks are unnecessary.

(1) Strategie der Wissenschaftsministerien von Bund und Ländern für die Internationalisierung der Hochschulen in Deutschland (Beschluss der 18. Sitzung der Gemeinsamen Wissenschaftskonferenz am 12.April 2013 in Berlin), S. 2

(2) Heublein, Ulrich (u.a.). Studienverlauf im Ausländerstudium. Eine Untersuchung an vier ausgewählten Hochschulen. URL: [02.06.14]

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Petition gestartet: 08.12.2014
Petition endet: 07.03.2015
Region: Sachsen-Anhalt
Kategorie: Bildung

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