Region: Berlin

Save the Rockhaus 2019!

Petent/in nicht öffentlich
Petition richtet sich an
Kultursenator Dr. Klaus Lederer, Shai Scharfstein, Geschäftsführer der Buchberger Str. 6 GmbH, Abgeordnetenhaus von Berlin

1.466 Unterschriften

Dialog abgeschlossen

1.466 Unterschriften

Dialog abgeschlossen

  1. Gestartet 2019
  2. Sammlung beendet
  3. Eingereicht
  4. Dialog
  5. Beendet
Diese Petition gibt es auch in Deutsch.

Petition richtet sich an: Kultursenator Dr. Klaus Lederer, Shai Scharfstein, Geschäftsführer der Buchberger Str. 6 GmbH, Abgeordnetenhaus von Berlin

Dr. Lederer, support the tenants of Rockhaus in any available way! Berlin is losing its reputation of a pulsating city with a versatile culture, which it enjoyed for decades. This reputation and projects like the Senate-sponsored Fete de la Musique are depending on smaller bands, which do not necessarily aim at financial success but creativity. Help to also preserve the young and contemporary culture of Berlin with your financial and non-financial possibilities!

Mr. Scharfstein, let's find a way to let the tenants continue using the Rockhaus in its existing form! The house is completely rented out. Some of the tenants waited for their contracts for years – this is a project with future! Costs for restoration and unoccupied rooms while looking for new tenants will not apply, since the tenants only want to preserve the present state.


Berlin’s biggest rehearsal room center, Rockhaus, is again in danger of a close-down. In December 2017 the termination of the contract was declared legally void by the Berlin Court Of Justice. By now the operator of Rockhaus settled for a cancellation of the rental contract by 30th of June 2019 with the owner, Buchberger Str. 6 GmbH, and its managing director, Shai Scharfstein. The close-down applies to ca. 186 rehearsal rooms, used by about 1.000 musicians of various musical genres as well as the classrooms of dozens of musical teachers and students. As the market for musical rehearsal rooms in Berlin is very limited already several of these artists would be forced to resign their cultural activities. Musicians and bands have always been figureheads of this city and part of its attractiveness. Musical creativity is a welcome change to everyday life and has a right to exist just like any other hobby. Professional musicians need some space to rehearse and keep their equipment. A closedown could even be a threat to existence in these cases. We, the tenants, want to preserve this place which contributes to Berlin being a lively, culturally versatile city. If the field is left open to the powers of the real estate market Berlin will not be able to keep its unique scene of culture and art. Therefore we need your support. Help us to preserve Rockhaus! Let’s set an example for arts and culture!

Sign this petition and spread the link. Every vote counts!

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Vielen Dank für Ihre Unterstützung

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Petition gestartet: 20.04.2019
Petition endet: 18.06.2019
Region: Berlin
Kategorie: Kultur

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