Region: Australia
Bild der Petition Tap Dancing

Tap Dancing

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Australian Capital Territory

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Petition richtet sich an: Australian Capital Territory

Tap dance is a dance style that creating catchy rhythms with dancers feet, which are made possible by attaching metal taps to the toes and heels of wooden-soled tap shoes. This style of dance is an art form that has been around since the seventeenth century but did not emerge as a well-known form of dance until the nineteenth century. Tap dance is an example of a non-partnered dance that is generally choreographed, with one or more participating dancers. Obviously it is a unique style of dance majortotosite involving specific and rapid footwork. Dancers are typically accompanied by jazz musicians. Sometimes, tap dancers perform solo, with only the rhythmic tapping of their shoes for music also known as Capella dancing. 


In dancing, costumes may vary, but performers generally wear formal attire. Of course, the most important piece is the special tap shoes. Some prefer regular flat shoes and others prefer shoes with heels. The most common colors of tap shoes are white, black, and beige. Tap shoes often have adjustable screws on the sole so that different sounds can be made. Like all forms of dancing, tap dancing is an expression of one's self. Tap dancing is often performed as a form of high-speed entertainment, specifically during dramatic performances such as on Broadway.
Most dance is set to music, but in tap, performers actually create some of the sounds with their dancing. There are several different types of tap dance that all evolved from unique time periods, vantage points, and cultural roots. 
-Also known as swing tap, classical tap was popularized through 20th century movies. Consisting of a combination of jazz dance, ballet, and acrobatics
-The focus in this style is as the shoes themselves are instruments which create their own percussion on the floor. Sounds can be made by striking the heel, among other techniques.
-Tap dancing soon expanded from small traveling stages to the biggest stages of all on Broadway. They added a performative element to tap dancing and used it to tell a story and share emotion. Fred Astaire combined ballroom dance with tap to create a new version of the dance that was elegant and refined.
-Taking cues from both hip hop and funk, this is a new, evolved contemporary dance form that is a lot of fun. This is a great style for keeping classes interesting while building jazz dancing skills.
Tap dancing offers a great way of toning lower-body muscles by optimizing the thighs and quads. If performed at a high intensity for 15 to 30 minutes, tap dancing offers 토토 great exercise for the cardiovascular system, working out the heart and lungs so they function more efficiently. Also tap dancing is surprisingly effective activity in burning calories quickly and this is a great dance form to learn. Today, tap is cool. It is a discipline that teaches the dancer about choreography, improvisation and syncopation. Learning Tap is popular among children who carry their enthusiasm for Tap into careers.

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Petition gestartet: 01.05.2022
Petition endet: 30.06.2022
Region: Australia

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