Official statements: Kreistag Prignitz District

Answer number Percentage
No answer yet 24 51.1%
Not requested, no email address available 14 29.8%
I agree / agree mostly 7 14.9%
I abstain 2 4.3%

6 %

6% support a parlamentary request.

12% support a public hearing in a committee of experts.

12% support a public hearing in the parliament/plenum.

Rudi Zabel

is a member of parliament Kreistag

SPD, last edited on 09/08/2015

I agree / agree mostly.
I´ll support the request if there will be enough other representives joining.
I support a public hearing in the technical committee.
I support a public hearing in the parliament/plenum.

Falko Krassowski

is a member of parliament Kreistag

FW PP/FDP, last edited on 09/01/2015

I agree / agree mostly.
I support a public hearing in the technical committee.

Thomas Schlaffke

is a member of parliament Kreistag

AfD last edited on 09/01/2015

I agree / agree mostly.
I support a public hearing in the parliament/plenum.

Gefährlichen Schulwege sind ein Thema der auf jeden Fall diskutiert werden muss. Nicht nur die B 103 zählt dazu. Wir sollten nicht darüber reden wenn es den nächsten tragischen Unfall gibt. In unseren Nachbarlland Polen werden Kinder mit Schulhelfer über die Straße gebracht.

Sabine Ott

is a member of parliament Kreistag

DIE LINKE., last edited on 07/16/2015

I agree / agree mostly.
I support a public hearing in the technical committee.
I support a public hearing in the parliament/plenum.

Johann Christian Steinkopf

is a member of parliament Kreistag

CDU, last edited on 06/24/2015

I agree / agree mostly.
I support a public hearing in the technical committee.

Image of Thomas Domres

Thomas Domres

is a member of parliament Kreistag

DIE LINKE., last edited on 06/24/2015

I agree / agree mostly.
I´ll support the request if there will be enough other representives joining.
I support a public hearing in the technical committee.
I support a public hearing in the parliament/plenum.

Robert Wüst

is a member of parliament Kreistag

FW PP/FDP, last edited on 06/23/2015

I agree / agree mostly.
I´ll support the request if there will be enough other representives joining.
I support a public hearing in the technical committee.
I support a public hearing in the parliament/plenum.

Im absoluten Fokus dieser Petition steht der sichere Weg unserer Kinder zur Schule und von der Schule nach Hause. Wenn unsere Kinder in den ländlichen Regionen auf den öffentlichen Busverkehr angewiesen sind, dann sollte dieser, wie auch die dazugehörigen Bushaltestellen , den höchsten Sicherheitsstandard haben. Oftmals sind, wie auch in diesem Fall, kleine Änderungen wie z.B. an der Buslinienführung, Herstellen eines Zebrastreifens oder Geschwindigkeitsbegrenzungen ein großer Zugewinn zur Sicherheit unserer Kinder.

Hans Lange

is a member of parliament Kreistag

CDU, last edited on 04/28/2016

I abstain.
I support a public hearing in the parliament/plenum.

Der tragische Unfall hat auch mich betroffen gemacht. Als Information standen mir nur Zeitungen zur Verfügung.
Die Umstände an der Unfallstelle kenne ich nicht. Ich habe auch keine abschließende Bewertung des Unfalles zur Kenntnis bekommen. Deshalb kann ich auch die in der Petition vorgeschlagenen Maßnahmen nicht beurteilen.
Die Situation vor Ort , eine Begutachtung und Bewertung ist meiner Ansicht nach eine Aufgabe für die kreisliche Unfallkommission. ich habe mich in dieser Sache heute an die Kommission gewandt und die Bearbeitung verlangt. Bis zum Vorliegen eines Ergebnisses enthalte ich mich deshalb der Stimme. Nach Vorliegen des Ergebnisses befürworte ich die Behandlung im Kreistag.
Hans Lange

Frank Rüdiger-Gottschalk

is a member of parliament Kreistag

CDU, last edited on 09/01/2015

I abstain.

Es gibt zum jetzigen Zeitpunkt noch kein offizielles Untersuchungsergebnis zu den genauen Unfallursachen, deshalb ist eine Bewertung nicht möglich. Warum das Mädchen dort umsteigen wollte, ist unklar, denn es gibt einen Schulbus, der direkt von Kyritz nach Kehrberg ohne Umstieg verkehrt.

Hubert Mackel

is a member of parliament Kreistag


last written to on 06/23/2015
No answer yet

Harald Pohle

is a member of parliament Kreistag


last written to on 06/23/2015
No answer yet

Bernd Polte

is a member of parliament Kreistag


last written to on 06/23/2015
No answer yet

Klaus Röpke

is a member of parliament Kreistag


last written to on 06/23/2015
No answer yet

Hartmut Schneider

is a member of parliament Kreistag


last written to on 06/23/2015
No answer yet

Bärbel Treutler

is a member of parliament Kreistag

Bündnis 90/Die Grünen

last written to on 06/23/2015
No answer yet

Karl-Heinz Vader

is a member of parliament Kreistag


last written to on 06/23/2015
No answer yet

Kurt Wilke

is a member of parliament Kreistag


last written to on 06/23/2015
No answer yet

Image of Dagmar Ziegler

Dagmar Ziegler

is a member of parliament Kreistag


last written to on 06/23/2015
No answer yet

Hartmut Lossin

is a member of parliament Kreistag


last written to on 06/23/2015
No answer yet

Werner Steiner

is a member of parliament Kreistag


last written to on 06/23/2015
No answer yet

Ramona Bahl

is a member of parliament Kreistag


last written to on 06/23/2015
No answer yet

Karl-Heinz Brüdigam

is a member of parliament Kreistag


last written to on 06/23/2015
No answer yet

Johannes Bulawa

is a member of parliament Kreistag


last written to on 06/23/2015
No answer yet

Bernd Dannemann

is a member of parliament Kreistag


last written to on 06/23/2015
No answer yet

Torsten Diehn

is a member of parliament Kreistag


last written to on 06/23/2015
No answer yet

Dietrich Gappa

is a member of parliament Kreistag


last written to on 06/23/2015
No answer yet

Andreas Giske

is a member of parliament Kreistag


last written to on 06/23/2015
No answer yet

Dirk Glaeser

is a member of parliament Kreistag


last written to on 06/23/2015
No answer yet

Christian Kantor

is a member of parliament Kreistag


last written to on 06/23/2015
No answer yet

Ellen Kokolsky

is a member of parliament Kreistag


last written to on 06/23/2015
No answer yet

Karsten Krüger

is a member of parliament Kreistag


last written to on 06/23/2015
No answer yet

Torsten Uhe

is a member of parliament Kreistag


last written to on 06/23/2015
No answer yet

Rainer Pickert

is a member of parliament Kreistag


last written to on 06/23/2015
No answer yet

Dr. Christian Kloß

is a member of parliament Kreistag

Bündnis 90/Die Grünen

Not requested, no email address available

Ulrich Siodla

is a member of parliament Kreistag


Not requested, no email address available

Paul Stets

is a member of parliament Kreistag


Not requested, no email address available

Andreas Wilde

is a member of parliament Kreistag


Not requested, no email address available

Hartmut Winkelmann

is a member of parliament Kreistag


Not requested, no email address available

Siegbert Winter

is a member of parliament Kreistag


Not requested, no email address available

Renate Klickow

is a member of parliament Kreistag


Not requested, no email address available

Manuela Fiebiger

is a member of parliament Kreistag


Not requested, no email address available

Dr. Ulrich Gutke

is a member of parliament Kreistag


Not requested, no email address available

Raimar Heering

is a member of parliament Kreistag


Not requested, no email address available

Image of Gordon Hoffmann

Gordon Hoffmann

is a member of parliament Kreistag


Not requested, no email address available

Torsten Jaeger

is a member of parliament Kreistag


Not requested, no email address available

Ulrich Kieback

is a member of parliament Kreistag


Not requested, no email address available

Hans-Werner Lemm

is a member of parliament Kreistag


Not requested, no email address available

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