representative Thomas Schied

Opinion on the petition Verhinderung des Abriss der "Schorre" in Halle


last written to on 12/31/2021
No answer yet

Opinion on the petition Für den Erhalt der Linden am Riveufer

DIE LINKE, last edited on 09/27/2018

I agree / agree mostly.
I´ll support the request if there will be enough other representives joining.
I support a public hearing in the parliament/plenum.

Opinion on the petition Das Labim in Halle als Kulturort erhalten


last written to on 05/23/2017
No answer yet

Opinion on the petition Keine krebsauslösenden Abgase! Verhindert die Altreifenverwertungsanlage am Hafen Halle-Trotha


last written to on 01/16/2015
No answer yet

Thomas Schied - Resigned
party: DIE LINKE
Faction: DIE LINKE
elected on: 26.05.2019
Next election: 2024

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