
Hvorfor er petitionen værd at støtte?

Darryl continued

I have found some wonderful people here that I will always remember. Thank you all for supporting me, and to the ones that are against this petition, it's okay. Life would be boring if we all agreed on everything. But one thing is for sure, as my neighbors have found out here in Winkel. I am the best neighbor that you could ever have. With tears in my eyes I say to you all, good bye and try to treat everyone with dignity and respect. We all deserve it!!



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Ved at udgive mit indlæg accepterer jeg vilkår for brug og privatlivspolitik for openPetition . Fornærmelser, bagtalelser og usande faktiske holdninger bringes til kendskab.

Hjælp med til at styrke borgerdeltagelse. Vi ønsker at gøre dine bekymringer hørt, mens du forbliver uafhængig.

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