
Für den Erhalt der 6er Teams in der Region Hannover

Petition is addressed to
TTVN Niedersachsen Landesverband

966 signatures

Collection finished

966 signatures

Collection finished

  1. Launched October 2023
  2. Collection finished
  3. Prepare submission
  4. Dialog with recipient
  5. Decision


What are arguments in favour of the petition?

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By publishing my post, I accept the terms of use and privacy policy from openPetition. Insults, defamations and untrue statements of fact are reported.


What are the arguments against the petition?

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By publishing my post, I accept the terms of use and privacy policy from openPetition. Insults, defamations and untrue statements of fact are reported.

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By publishing my post, I accept the terms of use and privacy policy from openPetition. Insults, defamations and untrue statements of fact are reported.

Endlich wird der Spielmodus bei den Herren auf 4er umgestellt -TOP!

Fakten sprechen für sich: Unser Nachbarkreis im TTVN wurde letztes Jahr umgestellt, ohne Probleme oder negative Rückmeldungen. Unser Kreis wird zur komemnden Saison umgestellt - endlich. Ich habe früher in einer 4er - Herren- Staffel spielen dürfen und nur gute Erfahrungen und Erinnerungen daran.



1 Counterargument
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By publishing my post, I accept the terms of use and privacy policy from openPetition. Insults, defamations and untrue statements of fact are reported.

0 Counterarguments
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By publishing my post, I accept the terms of use and privacy policy from openPetition. Insults, defamations and untrue statements of fact are reported.

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