Região: Alemanha
Negócios Estrangeiros

Aufruf zur Solidarisierung mit den Mitarbeitern des Freedom Theatre Jenin in Palästina

Requerente não público
A petição é dirigida a
Auswärtiges Amt

630 Assinaturas

O prazo de processamento expirou

630 Assinaturas

O prazo de processamento expirou

  1. Iniciado 2012
  2. Colecta finalizada
  3. Submetido
  4. Diálogo
  5. Falhado

20/07/2012 14:14

Liebe Unterstützer und Unterstützerinnen der Petition,

nach einem langwierigen verlogenen Prozess, dessen Chronologie auf nachgelesen werden kann, wurde Nabil Al-Raee glücklicher Weise am 12.Juni freigelassen.

Nachdem ich mehrere Wochen keine Reaktion vom Auswärtigen Amt auf unsere Petition bekommen habe, habe ich nochmal einen persönlichen Brief mit den Unterschriften im Anhang direkt an Markus Löning, den Beauftragten für Menschenrechtspolitik im Auswärigen Amt, geschrieben.

Heute habe ich folgenden Antwortbrief von ihm erhalten:

Sehr geehrter Herr Hartnagel,

ich bedanke mich für Ihr Schreiben vom 07.Juli 2012. Sie haben sicher auch schon die erfreuliche Nachricht vernommen, dass Herr al-Ra'ee am 12.Juli freigeslassen worden ist!
Zu Ihrer Information möchte ich Ihnen dennoch nachträglich mitteilen, dass sich die Bundesregierung für eine faire und rechtsstaatliche Behandlung von Herrn al-Ra'ee eingesetzt hat. Das deutsche Vetretungsbüro in Ramallah stand u.a. mit dem Leiter des Freedom Theatre, Jonatan Stanczak sowie mit der Anwältin von Herrn al-Ra'ee in Kontakt. Die Deutsche Botschaft Tel Aviv hatte zudem den Fall von Herrn al-Ra'ee mit den israelischen Behörden aufgenommen.
Ich danke Ihnen und allen Unterzeichnern der von Ihnen initiierten Petition, dass Sie diesen Fall aufmerksam beobachtet und sich in beeindruckender Weise für Rechtsstaatlichkeit und Menschenrechte in den Palästinensischen Gebieten eingesetzt haben.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Markus Löning

Auch ich möchte mich auf diesem Weg nochmal bei allen Unterzeichnern herzlich bedanken.
Wer weiterhin an Neuigkeiten aus dem Freedom Theatre interessiert ist, dem sei die oben genannte Webseite ans Herz gelegt. Ich hoffe auf eine längerfristige Aufmerksamkeit vieler kritischer Beobachter.

Liebe Grüße,
Nick Hartnagel

14/06/2012 22:17

My name is Motaz Malhees , I'm Palestinian student in the Freedom Theater of Jenin refugee camp . I write this mail to denounce the illegal arrest of Nabil Al Raee. My theater director, and my second father.

The Freedom Theatre was founded by Zakaria Zubeidi , Juliano Mer-kahmis, and Jonatan Stanczak, . Juliano was the one who taught me to dream, to think that a change is possible, to fight for my dignity on the stage. Juliano thought the third intifada would be a "culture intifada ".

I always wanted to go to Haifa but I am Palestinian, is prohibited unless you have a special permit that Israel will never give me. I remember last year we were practicing the play : "Alice in Wonderland" and Juliano promised me that we would go in Haifa. I remember being so happy. My dream was almost done. Finally I would step Haifa!

But life is up and down.

A few days later, Anas , my best friend who I see as a brother called me saying: "Today Juliano was murder in front of the theater."He was killed with seven bullets. It was awful. But it was not time to cry. I have to keep on going fighting on the stage for the principles Juliano taught me. After Juliano Nabil Al Raee, actor, director who had been a collage of Juliano, came to the Freedom Theater.

Nabil was like a second father. We returned the will to fight. We always said that the soul of Juliano "was fighting within us." We were about to release our first film directed by Nabil. We went back to recover the illusion Julian gave us.

And again my friend Annas called me saying : "Yesterday the Israeli army has arrested Nabil illegally." He was taken last Wednesday at three in the morning. Entering his home in front of his wife and daughter of two years old.

They did not say where they will put him or what was the reason for his arrest. Today her daughter has nightmares, getting up in the middle of the night, asking for her father.

Israeli security forces accused Nabil of being under “terrorist” suspicion. However, there is no proof of his accusation. Nabil's abduction was not only a violation of human rights, but a violation of his own dignity as a person, artist, parent, and "father" for all of us.

Israel accuses any artist of being a terrorist. They want to prohibit our ability to create, to give us a “second of freedom on stage”.

Just a second of being free on the stage.

I write this mail to anyone actor, writer, painter, singer, photographer, director or artist who believes in the power of art as a tool for change, as Juliano did, toa ll my friend's who think that art is the best weapon to fight oppression . From this mail, I ask you to go to your Israeli embassies and protest to for prohibit us, The Freedom Theater, to create art; for calling us “terrorists”.

Protest in front of every israeli building for the release of Nabil, the return of our human rights.

This mail is a call to fight for art, the fight for our dignity, what makes us humans. i ask every one who blieve in aRt to support us

Ajude a fortalecer a participação cívica. Queremos que as suas preocupações sejam ouvidas, permanecendo independentes.

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