Region: Tyskland
Billede af andragendet "Hochschulen Erhalten"

"Hochschulen Erhalten"

Petitioner ikke offentlig
Petitionen behandles
Landtag Brandenburg

7.065 Underskrifter

Indehaveren af petitionen indgav ikke petitionen.

7.065 Underskrifter

Indehaveren af petitionen indgav ikke petitionen.

  1. Startede 2012
  2. Samlingen er afsluttet
  3. Indsendt
  4. Dialog
  5. Mislykket

06.11.2012 09.46

By: People’s Initiative Keep our Universities
To: Landtag (State Parliament) of Brandenburg in Germany

By signing this petition you are supporting the claims of the People’s Initiative “Keep our Universities”:
• We demand the preservation of the BTU Cottbus and the Lausitz University of Applied Sciences as independent institutions in Lusatia as well as the preservation of study and teaching capacities.
• We demand a fundamental revision of university funding in Brandenburg.
• We demand that those affected are granted participation and involvement in the reformation process
• We demand an overall concept for the institutions of higher education in Brandenburg before deciding about the future of single universities.

Explanation: On July 1st, 2013, the federal state government of Brandenburg plans on merging the BTU Cottbus and Lausitz University of Applied Sciences (HSL) through an act of parliament. They are considering this plan despite an overwhelming opposition from their own appointed expert commission as well as many other national and international experts (representatives of the German university union, experts from science and economy with several members of already unified universities). Even unbiased and open discussions were refused: Those affected by the merge have repeatedly objected to the motion of combining the two universities. One of their main criticisms is the “dialog” which is “only about how, not about if” (please look at
The People’s Initiative “Keep our Universities” had previously collected over 42,000 signatures within Brandenburg opposing the fusion plans in less than eight weeks. They also had the opportunity to speak in front of the state parliament. However, before they did the federal state government had already decided that the merge would happen and that they would take it through the state parliament regardless. The representatives of the People’s Initiative are afraid that massive interferences in university autonomy and the disregard of the outspoken will of many voters will be an example for the entire country to make severe changes in the education system without reason. Please support us with this petition. Further information can be found on our homepage (

In the name of all signatories.
Cottbus, October 29th, 2012 (active until December 28th, 2012)

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