Regiune: Germania

Obiezione contro l’imposizione di norme linguistiche alle università

Petiționarul nu este public
Petiția se adresează
Leitung der Hochschulrektorenkonferenz

2.121 Semnături

Petiționarul nu a depus/preluat petiția.

2.121 Semnături

Petiționarul nu a depus/preluat petiția.

  1. A început 2020
  2. Colectia terminata
  3. Trimis
  4. Dialog
  5. A eșuat

09.12.2021, 01:11

Liebe Unterstützende,
der Petent oder die Petentin hat innerhalb der letzten 12 Monate nach Ende der Unterschriftensammlung keine Neuigkeiten erstellt und den Status nicht geändert. openPetition geht davon aus, dass die Petition nicht eingereicht oder übergeben wurde.

Wir bedanken uns herzlich für Ihr Engagement und die Unterstützung,
Ihr openPetition-Team

18.04.2020, 22:26

Dear signatories of our petition to the HRK,

A foretaste of what is to come at our universities if the HRK Resolution on Anti-Semitism is complied with is given by this recent event:

At this year's Ruhrtrienniale 2020 (cultural festival in the Ruhr region), Achille Mbembe, a Cameroonian historian and political scientist who has taught for many years in the USA and now in South Africa, is to deliver the opening speech. Among other awards, he has received the Geschwister Scholl Prize of the City of Munich in 2015 and both a prize from Gerda Henkel Foundation and the Ernst Bloch Prize of the City of Ludwigshafen in 2018.

Now Lorenz Deutsch, the FDP's [liberal democrats] cultural policy spokesman in the state parliament or Nordrhein Westfalen [where the Ruhr region is], has discovered that Mbembe is critical of Israel's politics. He even signed a BDS list in 2010.
If there was not method in it, this would be nothing more than a parochial farce. But in nowadays Germany everyone is wiggling their heads in concern: BDS - that's a nogo.

If you understand German:

(1) Open letter from Lorenz Deutsch of 23.3. to the artistic director of the Ruhrtriennale Stefanie Carp, Ph.D.:
(2) Report in the WELT from 6.4:
(3) A more reasonable comment from 15.4. in DLF Culture:
(4) And even better in the FAZ of 17.4:

(5) I wrote a letter to the initiator of this matter, Mr. Lorenz Deutsch, Member of the Nordrhein-Westfalen state Parliament, on April 17 and also sent it to other parties involved in this conflict. You can read it here:
(or via, then Aufsätze and there "zur Meinungsfreiheit ")

An internationally important voice such as Mbembe would no longer be allowed to speak at German universities in accordance with the criteria propagated by the HRK, which we are opposing here.

With best regards
Rolf Verleger

30.03.2020, 15:17

Gentili e cari firmatari e firmatarie della nostra petizione

I have written a new message in German and English.
Here is the English version

(See for this and all earlier messages
or )

Dear signatories of our petition

At this moment, our petition seems a little out of time: We campaign for particular lectures and events to be allowed to take place, at a time when there are no lectures and events at all.
But we may and should have a positive look at this: We are shaping the future here.

I am writing you to notify that, since my last letter (March 14) we were joined by further prominent signatories. Accordingly, I would like to express my thanks for their recent support for freedom of teaching and speech at German universities, among others of you (to whom I sincerely apologize for not being named here)
- to the courageous Israelis teaching in England: linguist Hagit Borer, political scientist Neve Gordon and historian Ilan Pappe
- to the European philosophers Josef Früchtl (D/NL), Herman de Ley (B) and Alois Pichler (South Tyrol/Norway)
- to the mathematicians Ivar Ekeland (F) and Michael Harris (USA/F)
- and, last but not least, to the German cultural scientists Aleida Assmann and Jan Assmann, the winners of the Peace Prize of the German Book Trade 2018

With hope for further spread and final success, and best wishes
Rolf Verleger

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