
OBJECTION against language rules for universities

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Petition richtet sich an
Head of the German Rectors' Conference (HRK)

2.121 Unterschriften

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2.121 Unterschriften

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  1. Gestartet 2019
  2. Sammlung beendet
  3. Eingereicht
  4. Dialog
  5. Gescheitert

14.03.2020, 15:27

Resolution of the HRK General Assembly of 19.11.2019

[Cf. my previous message for the reason why I send this message]

No place for anti-Semitism

The HRK [Hochschulrektorenkonferenz = academies’ rectors’ conference] General Assembly is appalled by the terrorist attack in Halle/Saale on 9 October 2019, the day of the Jewish Day of Atonement, and by the increasing number of anti-Semitic incidents in Germany (at least 1799 in 2018 alone). The HRK opposes anti-Semitism in any form.

There is no place for anti-Semitism at German universities. The HRK General Assembly supports the resolution "Against BDS[1] and all forms of anti-Semitism" adopted by the Young Forum of the German-Israeli Society, the Jewish Students' Union Germany, the free association of student bodies, the Student Council of Darmstadt University of Technology and the Student Council of Johann Wolfgang Goethe University Frankfurt, as well as university groups close to the political parties, such as the Juso [young socialists] University Groups, the Liberal University Groups, Campus Grün and the Circle of Christian Democratic Students[2].

German universities are centres of democratic culture, places of dialogue and places of diversity.[3] With the campaign "Universities open to the world against xenophobia" the universities have already set an example and called for clear commitments and decisive action in favour of a tolerant and cosmopolitan society.[4] In addition, the universities in Germany have a special historical responsibility to resolutely oppose all forms of anti-Semitism.

The anti-Semitism definition of the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) [5], which is also recognized by the German government [6], provides a clear basis for recognizing hatred of Jews and is thus an important tool in combating it. It also takes into account Israel-related anti-Semitism. The member universities of the German Rectors' Conference expressly welcome this definition of anti-Semitism and would like to see it established at all university locations. It is applied in their institutions and communicated to their members. Jewish life on campus must not be endangered; Jewish researchers, teachers and students must be able to feel safe at all universities. Research on anti-Semitism, its genesis and mode of action, corresponding curricula in studies and teaching, and the transfer of knowledge to multipliers and decision-makers are of paramount importance for the successful fight against anti-Semitism.


[1] BDS stands for "Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions"; the German Bundestag, by accepting motion Ds. 19/10191 "To resolutely oppose the BDS movement - to combat anti-Semitism", decided to condemn the BDS campaign and the call to boycott Israeli goods or companies as well as Israeli scientists, artists or sportsmen and women (17.05.2019).
[2] Cf. www.fzs.de/positionen/feminismus-antidiskriminierung/gegen-antisemitismus/
[3] Resolution of the Senate of the German Rectors' Conference of 13 October 2016: The universities as central players in science and society. Key points on the role and challenges of the higher education system (status 2018), p. 1f. As a partner of the European association Universities for Enlightenment, the HRK has already explicitly committed itself to condemning anti-Semitism. Compare the statement of 13.12.2018 at www.u4e.eu/viennastatement
[4] Universities open to the world - Against xenophobia: Nation-wide campaign by HRK member universities, www.hrk.de/presse/pressemitteilungen/pressemitteilung/meldung/weltoffene-hochschulen-gegen-fremdenfeindlichkeit-bundesweite-aktion-der-hrk-mitgliedshochschulen/ retrieved 15.10.2019
[5] www.holocaustremembrance.com/de/node/196 retrieved 20.09.2019
[6] www.auswaertiges-amt.de/de/aussenpolitik/themen/kulturdialog/-/216610 retrieved 20.09.2019: "Anti-Semitism is a certain perception of Jews that can express itself as hatred towards Jews. Anti-Semitism is directed in word or deed against Jewish or non-Jewish individuals and/or their property, as well as against Jewish community institutions or religious bodies. In addition, the State of Israel, understood as a Jewish collective, may also be the target of such attacks."

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version) followed by corrections made by Rolf Verleger

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