
Supporting equality instead of Human Trafficking: Nordic Model for Germany

Petent/in nicht öffentlich
Petition richtet sich an
german parliament

1.430 Unterschriften

Petent hat die Petition nicht eingereicht/übergeben.

1.430 Unterschriften

Petent hat die Petition nicht eingereicht/übergeben.

  1. Gestartet 2021
  2. Sammlung beendet
  3. Eingereicht
  4. Dialog
  5. Gescheitert

17.03.2021, 00:05

I did corrections on the translation, part 2.

Neuer Petitionstext:

This petition demands the implementation of the so called Nordic Model for prostitution in Germany.

It originates from Sweden and has established itself in other countries, such as Norway, France, Canada, etc.

The current german Prostitutes Protection Act can't live up to its name and allows most serious crimes due to creation of an attractive market, pseudo-legality and a created downplayed impression of the milieu.

Countries of the Nordic Model admit the distressed situation of prostitutes, but Germany doesn't, where for example they are punished with fines for Corona offences, which they are commiting for pure survival due to a lack of rightslegal ofclaims for government aid.

Furthermore in the said countries, support for exit services is offered to them, but they are not prohibited to continue their activity or punished by the law. All profiteers, building their own assets on the shoulders of prostitutes or take advantage in other ways, are criminalised - pimps, managers/lessors of prostitution places and the punters. The demand is reduced and an appropriate handle against human trafficking and forced prostitution is created.

Objections, as made by profiteers and inadequate informed people, can be refuted e.g. by experiences from countries with established Nordic Model.

Prostitution isn't moving to the underground since advertising is always needed, just on foreign internet servers then. As is already the case with current prohibitions, of which punters are discussing in public forums, to spread what can be get and where. This concerns for example the total prohibition of prostitution during lockdowns or the prohibited omitting of condoms. Punters find them and so do social workers and investigators.

The current obligation of registration, which also declares a minimum age, isn't fullfilled by the most prostitutes. So in presumed legal brothels frequently are forced and underaged prostitutes, not to mention that a registration also can be forced. Many prostitutes from outside of the European Union, who don't have visa, can't even make use of medical treatment and wouldn't even be missed after crimes. Nevertheless the law demands their willingness to testify in order to not treat them as criminals.

The claim that many prostitutes want to do this, can't be a justification for sacrificing an extreme majority of poverty based or forced prostitutes, not to forget that they get harmed by the milieu too. Moreover in circles of experts is known that most of them were influenced to go into prostitution by formative abuse experiences in childhood.

From reasoning about the basic need for sexuality, which is controversial anyway, can't be implied a right of satisfaction by other people.

Even though it wouldn't be a justification for current circumstances, it shall be mentioned that the so called oldest profession was birth help. Prostitution originated from sex slavery which also concerned children and still does.

Also it can't be called a ban of a profession, since this is not a general prohibition, and furthermore prostitution isn't a profession by definition, not to mention that we all are glad that employment offices doesn't make such offerings to our mothers, sisters and daughters.

Let alone the reasoning about sexual self-determination, because it is against it to submit to the will of others who under normal circumstances one wouldn't let come close to the own private sphere.


Additional links (it is refrained from including links to forums, in which punters inhumanly describe rape and forced prostitution, since these are probably incompatible with the terms of use of openPetition):


Unterschriften zum Zeitpunkt der Änderung: 532 (517 in Deutschland)

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