Region: Frankfurt

Against the deportation of Thanh D. #ThanhMussBleiben

Petition is addressed to
Regional Council Darmstadt/ Immigration office Frankfurt am Main/ Lord Mayor Mike Josef

16,243 signatures

Collection finished

16,243 signatures

Collection finished

  1. Launched February 2024
  2. Collection finished
  3. Prepare submission
  4. Dialog with recipient
  5. Decision

Petition is addressed to: Regional Council Darmstadt/ Immigration office Frankfurt am Main/ Lord Mayor Mike Josef

Urgent update: This Friday, 09.02.23, the Frankfurt student Thanh D. is to be deported to Vietnam. The 23-year-old, who lives with his family in Friedrichsdorf, Hesse, wanted to complete his training at the Frankfurt School for Clothing and Fashion at the end of June. But now he has been in custody pending deportation for some time. "I can go out for an hour a day to get some exercise and play sport. The rest of the time I'm only allowed to stay in the detention center," 23-year-old Thanh D. tells t-online on the phone.
The 23-year-old Vietnamese Thanh D. has been living in Germany for seven years and is expected to complete his training at the Frankfurt School for Clothing and Fashion at the end of July. His life, his environment and his passions have been vividly shaped by life in Germany. Deportation would mean both separation between Thanh and his family living in Germany (mother, stepfather and sister) and the destruction of his professional goals. The absence of any relatives in Vietnam would result in a social and professional decline for Thanh. Thanh D. is a prime example of successful integration, which should not be destroyed by an unjustified deportation.


Thanh D. came to Germany in 2017, when he was almost 18 years old. He wanted to join his mother, who had married a German man, his stepfather. This gave her a residence permit. The 23-year-old himself was denied this opportunity: "I could only apply for asylum". Because Thanh D. comes from Vietnam, he was never granted the right to asylum (source: t-online).
As friends and acquaintances, we demand justice for Thanh D. and the upholding of human rights in the context of migration. The forward-thinking Vietnamese man is neither a financial burden nor has he attracted attention through criminal offenses. On the contrary, as an individual he promotes German society through the combination of his passions and his education.
We demand that Thanh D. be allowed to complete his training as a tailor. He should also be given the opportunity to continue his life here, which he has been fighting for in Germany for 7 years.

Thank you for your support, Boris Azab from Frankfurt am Main
Question to the initiator

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Petition details

Petition started: 02/08/2024
Petition ends: 05/01/2024
Region: Frankfurt
Topic: Migration

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