Region: International
Bild der Petition Give us back Update 1.35 for War Thunder

Give us back Update 1.35 for War Thunder

Petent/in nicht öffentlich
Petition richtet sich an
Gaijin Entertainment, LLP

8 Unterschriften

Die Petition wurde vom Petenten zurückgezogen

8 Unterschriften

Die Petition wurde vom Petenten zurückgezogen

  1. Gestartet 2013
  2. Sammlung beendet
  3. Eingereicht
  4. Dialog
  5. Gescheitert

Petition richtet sich an: Gaijin Entertainment, LLP

A couple of days ago, Gaijin Entertainment updated the game War Thunder to version 1.37. This update changed many things like the experience system or the matchmaking. But many players are not content at all with these changes. Especially that the experience system had been changed to an research system is a hit in all players' faces that play War Thunder from the beginning on. Much time and work spent until now was useless if there are only five tiers now and if it's only possible to research one plane at a time. Another essential point is the new matchmaking that lets players fight against each other in planes, that would have been five tiers away from another in the old ranking system. Also it is now possible to get in battles with jets although you would be in the old system far away from these high tiers. All in all the new matchmaking is unfair as well to good players as to beginners. But there is also the point, that the flight characteristics of many planes have been changed. For some, like some bombers, it's more realistic now but for others it has changed to almost being unplayable. The FW 190s now turns incredibly slow (according to other players) and for example spitfires are much less efficient for dogfights because their noses always go down if you want to make a hard turn. Another point i want to mention is the overall performance of the game that has dramatically decreased. Even with powerful hardware it's often times stuttering. So this lack of performance has to be changed quickly because it really takes away a lot of fun from the game. The last point, that already existed before the current update but wasn't fixed at all, is that the pilots are getting shot way too easy, even if vitality is already on a high level. It is just frustrating if you play a battle and three of five pilots are getting killed within seconds.

These were now the most important and most annoying changes 1.37 brought to us but there are also other alterations that players just don't like (like for example the blinking enemy marks that also appear and dissapear without any reason or the new hitboxes that make some planes much more endurable, up to an unrealistic extent, and others are get wings cut loose with one shot).


There is a reason, why people play War Thunder and not World of Warplanes! Or better said: For many people there WAS one. The essential changes update 1.37 has made have destroyed aspects that make War Thunder the better game, why it was more realistic and also more appealing to non-casual players and adults. The main issue this petition is about is that we want back the "old" progression and experience system with ranks! Why is it necessary to change something that isn't broken? But also other issues like the mentioned matchmaking, the flight performance, the overall performance of the game (also with disabled dx11), pilots that get shot constantly, the new (and annoyingly blinking) enemy marks and the new hitbox-system.

With signing this petition we can show Gaijin Entertainment, that there is a big community of players that cares about the game and want to be it better than the others. So please support this to send a sign to Gaijin and to bring back many of the awesome features that disappeared with update 1.37. There have been good changes in the update as well but not all of them were and Gaijin should have the courage to listen to the players and to take back some of their decisions.

Vielen Dank für Ihre Unterstützung

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Petition gestartet: 21.12.2013
Petition endet: 28.12.2013
Region: International
Kategorie: Medien


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