725 signatures
Petition is addressed to: Stadtverordnetenversammlung von Eberswalde, Landtag des Landes Brandenburg
To build roads is to create traffic… In addition, the proposed expansion of the B167 federal road threatens to destroy precious natural habitats and further intensify the climate crisis. Join us in saying NO to this outdated and harmful project!
Ever since the 1990s, plans have been in place to rebuild the B167 between the A11 motorway and Frankfurt (Oder). Now, planning for the first stretch of the Finowfurt/Eberswalde bypass is nearly complete. The proposed route would run along the Oder-Havel Canal and eventually cross the scenic Finow Valley on several massive bridges. Contrary to claims, the project is less about relieving settled areas like Eberswalde, where transit traffic is minimal. Instead, the main aim seems to be the creation of a second "Berliner Ring"—a network of two- to three-lane expressways designed to attract and redirect additional traffic into the region.
The projections cited as justification suggest a 50% increase in traffic by 2030 [1]. However, this directly conflicts with the 2024 Brandenburg Mobility Law, which aims to reduce motorized individual transport by 32% by 2030 [2]. Such contradictory goals undermine the federal government's climate targets. Moreover, the project would destroy valuable biotopes, harm recreational areas, and degrade the quality of life for residents along the route.
With your signature, you join us in
- Urging the Eberswalde city council to oppose the project, as it would burden the city with unnecessary costs while offering minimal benefits and significant negative impacts.
- Calling on the State of Brandenburg to halt the planning approval process, as the project contradicts the Brandenburg Mobility Law and undermines national climate goals.
What’s Next?
Our initiative, in collaboration with BUND Brandenburg, is preparing to file a lawsuit against the planning approval decision for the first construction phase, expected in 2025. If all other objections fail, this lawsuit will be the final opportunity to stop this harmful project.
For more information about the current status, background details, and ways to get involved, visit pro-waldstadt.de.
We believe the arguments presented by the State of Brandenburg to justify the B167 bypass, as outlined in the Federal Transport Infrastructure Plan, to fall short of providing sufficient reasons to proceed with the project. In the context of the climate crisis and updated legal frameworks such as the Federal Climate Protection Act and the Brandenburg Mobility Act, any project that results in permanently higher CO2 emissions—a fact that is undisputed in this case—must be critically examined.
The benefits of the proposed bypass are insignificant when weighed against its enormous costs of 112 million euros in taxpayer money [3], the loss of valuable recreational areas, the increase in traffic and CO2 emissions [4], and significant damage to the natural environment and landscape, currently being rationalized under the pretense of “overriding public interest.” We question this claim of public interest. Instead, these funds should be redirected toward much-needed investments in renovating existing bridges and expanding and improving the railway infrastructure.
For more details about our initiative and additional information about the project, visit: pro-waldstadt.de
[1] Projektbezogene Verkehrsplanung (S.8 und 11.) (Project-related transport planning)
[2] Mobilitätsstrategie - Aktive Gestaltung der Mobilität im Land (S.6) (Mobility strategy - Active design of mobility in the State)
Mobilitätsgesetz des Landes Brandenburg (BbgMobG) - § 5 Vorrang für den Umweltverbund (Mobility Act of the State of Brandenburg (BbgMobG) - Section 5 Priority for the environmental network)
[3] Erläuterungsbericht (S.7) (Explanatory report)
[4] Projektinformationssystem (PRINS) zum Bundesverkehrswegeplan 2030 ( Project information system (PRINS) for the Federal Transport Infrastructure Plan 2030)
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