Official statements: Parliament Amt Kellinghusen

No answer yet (19) 82.6%
I agree / agree mostly (3) 13.0%
I decline (1) 4.3%

13 %

13% support a parlamentary request.

13% support a public hearing in a committee of experts.

13% support a public hearing in the parliament/plenum.

Horst Nitz

is a member of parliament

Kellinghusener Liste last edited on 04/28/2016

I agree / agree mostly.
I´ll support the request if there will be enough other representives joining.
I support a public hearing in the technical committee.
I support a public hearing in the parliament/plenum.

Lidl kann gut an das neu geplante Einkaufszentrum Aldi/Edeka angebunden werden, in dem es seinen jetzigen Standort etwas verlagert und dort ausbaut.
Kellinghusen braucht keinen weiteren Standort für einen Supermarkt, der zudem auch stark in den jetzigen Stadtkern eingreifen würde.

Uwe Zebedies

is a member of parliament

Kellinghusener Liste last edited on 04/28/2016

I agree / agree mostly.
I´ll support the request if there will be enough other representives joining.
I support a public hearing in the technical committee.
I support a public hearing in the parliament/plenum.

Ich stimme sowohl als Mitglied meiner Keli-Fraktion zu als auch
als Ratsherr und Privatmensch, da ich das Bauprojekt des
Lidl an dieser Stelle für fachlich falsch halte und
eine Zerstörung des Stadtbildes und eine Belastung der
Anwohner für nicht notwendig erachte.

Viele Grüße

Oliver Knebusch

Oliver Knebusch

is a member of parliament

Kellinghusener Liste last edited on 12/18/2015

The basis of decision was a resolution of the faction

I agree / agree mostly.
I´ll support the request if there will be enough other representives joining.
I support a public hearing in the technical committee.
I support a public hearing in the parliament/plenum.

Hans-Jörg Krützfeldt

is a member of parliament

CDU last edited on 12/18/2015

I decline.

Die Weimarer Republik ist an solchem Unsinn wie diesem hier gescheitert.

Susanne Stüdemann

is a member of parliament


last written to on 12/18/2015
No answer yet

Wolf-Dietrich Debus

is a member of parliament

Kellinghusener Liste

last written to on 12/18/2015
No answer yet

Horst Gabriel

is a member of parliament


last written to on 12/18/2015
No answer yet

Ludger Wemhoff

is a member of parliament


last written to on 12/18/2015
No answer yet

Ute Burkhard

is a member of parliament


last written to on 12/18/2015
No answer yet

Erk Niesemann

is a member of parliament


last written to on 12/18/2015
No answer yet

Monja Niesemann

is a member of parliament


last written to on 12/18/2015
No answer yet

Reinhard Rübner

is a member of parliament


last written to on 12/18/2015
No answer yet

Lars Wiegand

is a member of parliament

Bürger für Kellinghusen

last written to on 12/18/2015
No answer yet

Peter Löbel

is a member of parliament


last written to on 12/18/2015
No answer yet

Birgit Saß

is a member of parliament


last written to on 12/18/2015
No answer yet

Simon Schlüter

is a member of parliament


last written to on 12/18/2015
No answer yet

Timo Laackmann

is a member of parliament

Bürger für Kellinghusen

last written to on 12/18/2015
No answer yet

Henning (B) Schlüter

is a member of parliament

Bürger für Kellinghusen

last written to on 12/18/2015
No answer yet

Henning (G) Schlüter

is a member of parliament

Bürger für Kellinghusen

last written to on 12/18/2015
No answer yet

Bernd Schneider

is a member of parliament

Bürger für Kellinghusen

last written to on 12/18/2015
No answer yet

Marcus Wack

is a member of parliament

Bürger für Kellinghusen

last written to on 12/18/2015
No answer yet

Malte Wicke

is a member of parliament

Bürger für Kellinghusen

last written to on 12/18/2015
No answer yet

Klaus Jahnke

is a member of parliament

Bürger für Kellinghusen

last written to on 12/18/2015
No answer yet

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