Region: Deutschland, Österreich, Schweiz
Bild der Petition Es war einmal in Amerika mit Originalsynchro /Once upon a time in America-A new and improved version

Es war einmal in Amerika mit Originalsynchro /Once upon a time in America-A new and improved version

Petent/in nicht öffentlich
Petition richtet sich an
Warner Home Video

1.010 Unterschriften

Petent hat die Petition nicht eingereicht/übergeben.

1.010 Unterschriften

Petent hat die Petition nicht eingereicht/übergeben.

  1. Gestartet 2013
  2. Sammlung beendet
  3. Eingereicht
  4. Dialog
  5. Gescheitert

25.12.2013, 21:49

Englischen Text korrigiert.
Neuer Petitionstext: Wishes for the upcoming German Blu-ray release „Once Upon a Time in America“ (1984) in English (summary):

1) optional German original dubbing
2) Extended Version split on two Blu-ray's (for all upcoming releases worldwide)
3) optional Theatrical Cut based on the new 4K-Master (if possible on two Blu-ray's) Blu-ray's, for all upcoming releases worldwide)
4) correct pitch for the German re-dubbing (dubbed in 25fps)
5) correct colours, get yellowness off

Sergio Leone's classic "Once Upon a Time in America” have been released with a new dubbing on VHS, DVD and Blu-ray in Germany. The original dubbing have never been released to home cinema from Warner Home Video. Therefore this petition is started to have the original dubbing finally be released to the new generations. We saw that a petition for "The Little Mermaid" had been successfull, so the original dubbing was released.

Many fans and I are hoping for plenty support and signatures for our concern so that in the near future, we might hear the original dubbing again.

Please don't repeat the mistake that was made with the Italian Blu-ray about the compression and the yellowness. Thank you very much.

Helfen Sie mit, Bürgerbeteiligung zu stärken. Wir wollen Ihren Anliegen Gehör verschaffen und dabei weiterhin unabhängig bleiben.

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