Regija: München
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Kardinal Marx, erhalten Sie das Vorzeigeprojekt für Integration: Das Johanneskolleg

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Kardinal Marx

7.343 Potpisi

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7.343 Potpisi

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  1. Pokrenut 2015
  2. Zbirka završena
  3. Poslato
  4. Dijalog
  5. Neuspješno

23. 04. 2015. 18:12

I deleted some blank spaces in the title, which look silly on the ssignature papers ( unterschriftenbogen), but we did this yesterday cause we wanted the last 2 words oft the tite in the second line. But the blank spaces changed nothing there and we left them
New title: Kardinal Marx, erhalten Sie das Vorzeigeprojekt für Integration: Das Johanneskolleg

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