Official statements: Kreistag Freyung-Grafenau

Answer number Percentage
Not requested, no email address available 54 88.5%
No answer yet 4 6.6%
I agree / agree mostly 2 3.3%
No statement 1 1.6%

1 %

1% support a parlamentary request.

1% support a public hearing in a committee of experts.

3% support a public hearing in the parliament/plenum.

Hans Madl-Deinhart

is a member of parliament Kreistag

Bündnis 90/Die Grünen, last edited on 05/22/2016

I agree / agree mostly.
I support a public hearing in the technical committee.
I support a public hearing in the parliament/plenum.

Der aufwendige Achterknoten macht keinen Sinn, denn nach 1,5 Kilometer folgt bereits ein Kreisverkehr mit zwei Bundesstraßen, der beweist, dass eine auch kostengünstigere Lösung möglich ist. Wenn zu viel Geld im Bundeshaushalt vorhanden ist, dann bitte für die Schiene und den Straßenunterhalt einsezten!!!

Gerhard Töpfl

is a member of parliament Kreistag

SPD last edited on 05/05/2016

I agree / agree mostly.
I´ll support the request if there will be enough other representives joining.
I support a public hearing in the parliament/plenum.

Image of Rita Hagl-Kehl

Rita Hagl-Kehl

is a member of parliament Kreistag

SPD, last edited on 05/04/2016

No statement.

Dass an der Einmündung der B12 Freyung/Ort eine Lösung gefunden werden muss ist allen Seiten klar. Allerdings halte ich die Variante des 8er-Knotens für überdimensioniert, wenn man sieht wie die Kosten-Nutzen-Rechnung im Vergleich zur Variante eines Kreisels aussehen würde. Das Bauwerk würde in etwa die zehnfachen Kosten der Kreiselvariante verursachen. Zudem wäre der Kreisel um einiges schonender für die Umwelt. Warum hier die Bedenken der Bevölkerung nicht in größerem Maße berücksichtigt werden, sondern von Seiten der CSU-Regierung auf die Wünsche und Forderungen der Baubehörde eingegangen wird ist für mich nicht nachvollziehbar. Es spricht in meinen Augen mehr für den Kreisel als für den 8er-Knoten und ich werde mich in jedem Fall weiterhin auf Kreis- und Bundesebene für den Kreisel einsetzen.

Josef Demm

is a member of parliament Kreistag


last written to on 05/04/2016
No answer yet

Hans Kapfer

is a member of parliament Kreistag


last written to on 05/04/2016
No answer yet

Wolfgang Kunz

is a member of parliament Kreistag


last written to on 05/04/2016
No answer yet

Sebastian Gruber

is a member of parliament Kreistag


last written to on 05/04/2016
No answer yet

Anne-Marie Ederer

is a member of parliament Kreistag


Not requested, no email address available

Max Ertl

is a member of parliament Kreistag


Not requested, no email address available

Image of Max Gibis

Max Gibis

is a member of parliament Kreistag


Not requested, no email address available

Josef Gutsmiedl

is a member of parliament Kreistag


Not requested, no email address available

Dr. Olaf Heinrich

is a member of parliament Kreistag


Not requested, no email address available

Josef Höppler

is a member of parliament Kreistag


Not requested, no email address available

Ernst Kandlbinder

is a member of parliament Kreistag


Not requested, no email address available

Josef Kern

is a member of parliament Kreistag


Not requested, no email address available

Ludwig Lankl

is a member of parliament Kreistag


Not requested, no email address available

Heinrich Lenz

is a member of parliament Kreistag


Not requested, no email address available

Max Niedermeier

is a member of parliament Kreistag


Not requested, no email address available

Martin Pichler

is a member of parliament Kreistag


Not requested, no email address available

Tassilo Pichlmeier

is a member of parliament Kreistag


Not requested, no email address available

Karlheinz Roth

is a member of parliament Kreistag


Not requested, no email address available

Jürgen Schano

is a member of parliament Kreistag


Not requested, no email address available

Herbert Schiller

is a member of parliament Kreistag


Not requested, no email address available

Alfons Schinabeck

is a member of parliament Kreistag


Not requested, no email address available

Eduard Schmid

is a member of parliament Kreistag


Not requested, no email address available

Max Schwarz

is a member of parliament Kreistag


Not requested, no email address available

Simon Stockinger

is a member of parliament Kreistag


Not requested, no email address available

Helga Weinberger

is a member of parliament Kreistag


Not requested, no email address available

Johann Bauer

is a member of parliament Kreistag


Not requested, no email address available

Mario Dumps

is a member of parliament Kreistag


Not requested, no email address available

Josef Geis

is a member of parliament Kreistag


Not requested, no email address available

Dr. Heidi Massinger-Biebl

is a member of parliament Kreistag


Not requested, no email address available

Dr. Siegfried Schmidbauer

is a member of parliament Kreistag


Not requested, no email address available

Antje Laux

is a member of parliament Kreistag

Bündnis 90/Die Grünen

Not requested, no email address available

Sandra Prent

is a member of parliament Kreistag

Bündnis 90/Die Grünen

Not requested, no email address available

Image of Alexander Muthmann

Alexander Muthmann

is a member of parliament Kreistag


Not requested, no email address available

Renate Cerny

is a member of parliament Kreistag


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Image of Manfred Eibl

Manfred Eibl

is a member of parliament Kreistag


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Heinz Pollak

is a member of parliament Kreistag


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Walter Bermann

is a member of parliament Kreistag


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Franz Brunner

is a member of parliament Kreistag


Not requested, no email address available

Klaus Fehler

is a member of parliament Kreistag


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Fritz Raab

is a member of parliament Kreistag


Not requested, no email address available

Max Pöschl

is a member of parliament Kreistag


Not requested, no email address available

Martin Behringer

is a member of parliament Kreistag


Not requested, no email address available

Helmut Vogl

is a member of parliament Kreistag


Not requested, no email address available

Herbt Kern sen.

is a member of parliament Kreistag


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Heinz Wolf

is a member of parliament Kreistag


Not requested, no email address available

Image of Martin Geier

Martin Geier

is a member of parliament Kreistag


Not requested, no email address available

Leopold Ritzinger

is a member of parliament Kreistag


Not requested, no email address available

Josef Hermann

is a member of parliament Kreistag


Not requested, no email address available

Josef Ilg

is a member of parliament Kreistag


Not requested, no email address available

Josef Bauer

is a member of parliament Kreistag


Not requested, no email address available

Erwin Pauli

is a member of parliament Kreistag


Not requested, no email address available

Renate Ruhland

is a member of parliament Kreistag


Not requested, no email address available

Dr. Jörg Sorgenfrei

is a member of parliament Kreistag


Not requested, no email address available

Helmut Behringer

is a member of parliament Kreistag


Not requested, no email address available

Hilde Greiner

is a member of parliament Kreistag


Not requested, no email address available

Max Köberl

is a member of parliament Kreistag


Not requested, no email address available

Max König

is a member of parliament Kreistag


Not requested, no email address available

Kaspar Vogl

is a member of parliament Kreistag


Not requested, no email address available

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