Region: Deutschland, Österreich, Schweiz

Phantom II - Liebe stirbt nie - Wir wünschen uns eine deutschsprachige CD

Petitioner not public
Petition is addressed to
Andrew Lloyd Webber / Really Useful Group

961 signatures

Petition recipient did not respond.

961 signatures

Petition recipient did not respond.

  1. Launched 2016
  2. Collection finished
  3. Submitted
  4. Dialogue
  5. Failed


What are arguments in favour of the petition?

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By publishing my post, I accept the terms of use and privacy policy from openPetition. Insults, defamations and untrue statements of fact are reported.

Liebe stirbt Nie

Es ist sehr schade wenn die hohe künstlerische Reputation der beteiligten Interpreten und Autoren der Hamburger Produktion nicht konserviert würde. Youtube Schnipsel dürfen nicht alles bleiben... Vielen Tsd Menschen würde eine große Freude bereitet!



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By publishing my post, I accept the terms of use and privacy policy from openPetition. Insults, defamations and untrue statements of fact are reported.

0 Counterarguments
Reply with contra argument

By publishing my post, I accept the terms of use and privacy policy from openPetition. Insults, defamations and untrue statements of fact are reported.

0 Counterarguments
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By publishing my post, I accept the terms of use and privacy policy from openPetition. Insults, defamations and untrue statements of fact are reported.


What are the arguments against the petition?

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By publishing my post, I accept the terms of use and privacy policy from openPetition. Insults, defamations and untrue statements of fact are reported.

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