
Umzug der Grundschule Europaviertel gefordert

Petent/in nicht öffentlich
Petition richtet sich an
Hessischer Landtag

1.500 Unterschriften

Petition hat zum Erfolg beigetragen

1.500 Unterschriften

Petition hat zum Erfolg beigetragen

  1. Gestartet 2019
  2. Sammlung beendet
  3. Eingereicht
  4. Dialog
  5. Erfolg

Die Petition war erfolgreich!

28.06.2019, 01:21

For those of you who have just signed this petition - thanks a lot!
I have noticed that some parents just sign for themselves. Please make sure you sign for your kids too. It is their education and they have a vote. You can sign for up to 5 under one email address (per household) and also please ask friends and relatives to sign too.
Spread the word on social media, forward the link per email, tell other parents you know. The more signatures we get, the more pressure we can put on the Stadt Schulamt.
I am off on holiday now and when I get back, I will take stock of the situation and decide when is the best time to hand all the signatures to either Stadt Schulamt or Sylvia Weber (Minister for Education).
Signature sheets can be found in the following places:
Lessing Friseur
Easy Apotheke
Döner Bääm
Express Reinigung Wiroth
8 Töne all in Europa Allee

Thanks for your support and happy holidays!

Nicolas Pérez

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