Image of the petition Erhalt der „ Michael-Ende-Schule“ in Elsdorf-Berrendorf sowie der „Milos-Sovak-Schule“ in Hürth

Erhalt der „ Michael-Ende-Schule“ in Elsdorf-Berrendorf sowie der „Milos-Sovak-Schule“ in Hürth

Petitioner not public
Petition is addressed to
Landrat Michael Kreuzberg
8,285 supporters 6,601 in Rhein-Erft District

Petition has contributed to the success

8,285 supporters 6,601 in Rhein-Erft District

Petition has contributed to the success

  1. Launched 2015
  2. Collection finished
  3. Submitted
  4. Dialogue
  5. Success

The petition was successful!

03/23/2015, 23:12

Anpassung des Titels an die Begrenzung
Neuer Titel: Erhalt der „ Michael-Ende-Schule“ in Elsdorf-Berrendorf sowie der „Milos-Sovak-Schule“ in Hürth-Stot Hürth

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