Region: Hurghada Ägypten

Rettet die Katzen Im Giftun Azur Beach Resort Hurghada

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Petition richtet sich an
Gouverneur von Hurghada, Azur Gruppe Ägypten, Giftun Azur Resort Hurghada

1.034 Unterschriften

Der Petition wurde entsprochen

1.034 Unterschriften

Der Petition wurde entsprochen

  1. Gestartet 2016
  2. Sammlung beendet
  3. Eingereicht
  4. Dialog
  5. Erfolg

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21.01.2016, 21:22

Dear Mr. touristic minister,

i sincerely hope u will take some minutes to read my concerns.

I got your email adress from a known in Berlin.
I support the animal welfare espacially in Hurghada Giftun Azur Resort.

Since December i receive qiuet alot horrible news from hurghada. And i dont mean the attackings in bella vista.

I work since august last year with a small group of german people in giftun azur.
We do all the things in our free time.

Please, first take a look to the following petition. It will explain alot of our work.

Our work start last year in august. We catch the cats in Giftun, bring them to Blue Moon which castrated and vaccinate the cats for free.
They get supported by donations by us.

The costs get beared by the tourist visiting giftun and liked the cats.

We also had a speach to Mr. Tolba the Executive Manager of Giftun. He get informed by us what we planned to do, like food boxes, cats houses, signes, hand outs etc.

All that were organzied by our association.
We just want they let us our work do without any intefering. He also dont need to help in any way.
We can manage all alone.

He directly answered that he will and never did before killed cats.
He swear that it is forbidden by coran and he love cats and he has cats at home.

We just want the promised that when we castrated the cats that he doenst going to get rid of them or killed them.
Kids and other guest saw that.
U know how cruel it is to need to explain them what that guy do.
Why that cats will never come back.

Since December we get to know that alot cats get catched by employees ordered by Mr. Tolba alone.
They get payed by him by every cat which get cought and killed.

Now we also get surely known that they used poison for plants to kill them.

Guests also find dead cats at beach or restaurants.

They saw them cathing them by boxes. Our boxes from blue moon.
They throw them on street when they still alive but most of them also died after hours of struggle and lie around in all the areas in whole hotel.

We collected some of the prove and attached them here for u.
We care mostly about the cats. But...
Think about little children come into contact with these piosend material.

All these information are one hundred percent true. Sorry we cant give u my source now. We save that source.

Our group planned to visit Giftun in the end of april.
Four of us already booked.
We are sure if we find what we heard we will claimed it here in Germany in news paper and touristic organisation and we will never visit egypt or espacially giftun azur resot again.
We all came to giftun since many many years. We grow up with that mentality and we have well known of egyptian morals.

In that time not alot care about animal safety but it raises up more and more and the tourism in egypt need to understand that it will be a part of the tourism for future.
Espacially by european ones or espacially by germans.

It happened not alone in giftun hotel.

We got informations from grand hotel, from arabia azur and others.

They killed cats the same way.

I know even it is hard to understand but there was to much cats in giftun the last time. but when they get rid of them choose the uncastrated ones. Not the ones which will have no chance for survive.

Thats our work which get sabotaged.

We have one of our group now there for one week.
He arrived today and what he saw the first two hours - horrible.

There are still cats but from about 120 rest less than 50.

We ask u sincerely to get in speak with us and we hope together we achieve something together.

We already contact the gouverneur. He refer to Blue Moon. But Monique Carrer the owner and Blue Moon Clnic already supported us the best way they can.

We expect from you as the touristic minister to deal with that problem - NOW!

U should be interested - by the current load in hurghada - that the tourism raises up and not get the next prblem to deal with.

I attached alot of statements out of facebook from alot tourist the last time.
I deleted name for privacy but all of them swear never come back to hurghada.

And i understand them
If nothing happen our decision will be the same.

If nobody do something about that problem then please let us at least do our work.

Dont kill cats anymore - not the castrated ones!!! No poison in hotels in Hurghada. Thats irresponsible. Peolple get put under pressure to do that disgusting work.
Thats not a good figurehead for egypt.


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