Region: Landtag Düsseldorf, Nordrhein-Westfalen

Sittlich nicht gerechtfertigte Adoption

Petent/in nicht öffentlich
Petition richtet sich an
Premierminister Jean-Claude Juncker

5 Unterschriften

Die Petition wurde vom Petenten zurückgezogen

5 Unterschriften

Die Petition wurde vom Petenten zurückgezogen

  1. Gestartet 2014
  2. Sammlung beendet
  3. Eingereicht
  4. Dialog
  5. Gescheitert

06.07.2014, 16:24

For us, it is not possible, the Youth Department of the City Mönchengladbach for a successful co-operation, to have the necessary confidence, as provided for by the Children and Youth Welfare Act (KJHG).

Until our daughter Jessica was 16 she had a guardian-the Youth Office. The Youth Welfare Office was dismissed after 10 years from his tutelage. Mrs. Noack at the District Court in Mönchengladbach had led to our instigation. But the maternal grandparents as a private guardian of our two children - have been up to now not used and taken into account. Mrs. Noack ordered for our daughter a professional carer-to this day can not Jessica speak properly, is very overweight and the professional carer is not committed to such a demand a-outpatient services instead of expensive inpatient care, so that children do not lose everything familiar the inclusive participation, the heart of society, with people with and without disabilities a daily necessity.

Therefore, our proposal for the nest model
The so-called nest model
(see, for example the decision: Tribunal Supremo (TS - Supreme Court in Spain) from 28.03.2011) would remain the children in the home, the parents would alternately move in there - a solution that is not very common in Germany.
For example. OLG Koblenz 12.01.2010 (11 UF 251/09)
The children live with their grandparents and the parents take turns, for example, every other weekend there a. Learning by doing.

With best regards
Family Simon and Andrea Huber

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