Region: Nordrhein-Westfalen

Wer sein Mäntelchen nach dem Wind hängt, hat schlechte Karten, wir empfehlen..

Petent/in nicht öffentlich
Petition richtet sich an
Stadtverwaltung, Familiengericht, Justizminister

17 Unterschriften

Petent hat die Petition nicht eingereicht/übergeben.

17 Unterschriften

Petent hat die Petition nicht eingereicht/übergeben.

  1. Gestartet 2014
  2. Sammlung beendet
  3. Eingereicht
  4. Dialog
  5. Gescheitert

04.05.2014, 21:46

Dieser Brief wurde heute an den Entscheidungsträger GeneralSekretär Ban-Ki-Moon per e-mail mit der neuen Unterschriftenliste der open Petition wer sein Mäntelchen nach dem Winde hängt.... versandt.
der brief ist in dieser petition in deutscher und englischer Übersetzung in PDF Datei einsehbar.
Family court judge
Uta Cramer
Hohenzollern Route 157
Mönchengladbach, 16.09.2012
41061 Mönchengladbach

Dear Judge Mrs. Cramer,

You have our son Simon Tobias Tao Huber, born on 31.03.1994 not after underage right up for adoption released, but after years of full rights.
On the day of the hearing of our son, he was age of eighteen.
You made not only the perfect Childrens stolen, but also the perfect Parents murder.
Our son is now called Tom and lives in the White family, we can prove it, see be the foster mother and writing of our son, that he is now called Tom.
Our son can never come back to our family and visit us. He's not our Phone number and our address where we live. We can not write our son and not call, as we have no address from him.
Because you have said, the Will of the child always come before child welfare.
That's why our son is now called Tom and lives in the White family.
They have released against the wishes of the biological parents our son up for adoption and previously did not let him treat to the parents alienation syndrome (PAS ), therefore is our son one foot in jail.
See letter from Judge Borchert and OLG Dusseldorf was our son at the time of Adoption of age eighteen.
When children start fires, Mr. Huber would never call the fire department, why?
Because, according to Judge Mrs. Cramer the Will of the child will always comes first and then the child's welfare.
The fire department should the fire did not delete it, as it is against the child's will, and if it is against the child's will, it does not match the child's welfare.
Then the house needs just burn and the judge Mrs. Cramer pays all Costs, she adheres private. The witnesses can confirm.
Parents are responsible for their children - so liable, judge Mrs. Cramer for the child she to Adoption had released.
Mr. Huber also sent this letter to the Petitions Committee of the German Federal day.

Sincerely yours
Simon Huber

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