Region: Deutschland und Europa
Civil rights

Europas Freiheit schützen - Politischen Islam stoppen!

Petitioner not public
Petition is addressed to
Bundestag und Europaparlament

2,619 signatures

Petition recipient did not respond.

2,619 signatures

Petition recipient did not respond.

  1. Launched 2021
  2. Collection finished
  3. Submitted on 16 Jul 2021
  4. Dialogue
  5. Failed


04/23/2021, 17:41

Protect Europe’s freedom – Stop political Islam!
Political Islam has been gaining a foothold in Europe since the attacks on Salman Rushdie more than thirty years ago. It is a threat to our free and open societies and liberal democracies.
Recent Islamist murders in France, Germany and Austria call for our resolute opposition. We do not want to leave resistance to Islamic fundamentalism to the right-wing extremists. We are taking a stand against it from the centre of society.
Europe Has A Voice!
We oppose the patriarchal veiling of women practiced by political Islam in the liberal democracies of Europe. We are calling for consistent state adherence to the principle of secularity:
- Hijabs are not for girls!
- No hijab in state educational institutions, government agencies, courthouses, police force, etc.
- No full body veil in public spaces.
Europeans have begun to learn from their history of violence, religious wars, two World Wars, the Holocaust, the genocide of Sinti and Roma or the murderous colonial rule. We demand:
- the strict separation of state and religion
- the strict enforcement of equal rights for men and women
- the strict enforcement of freedom of expression, religion and science
- the strict rejection of master race mentality, be it ethnic or religious.
Europe is not perfect. But it provides protection from war and destruction. Many people have fled to Europe because freedom and fundamental rights are guaranteed.
We will defend this liberal democratic order with all means.
We stand for a secular and free Europe for everyone who lives here.
Authors of this petition:
Halina Bendkowski, Dr. Elvira Grözinger, Prof. Dr. Barbara Holland-Cunz, Dr. Sylke Kirschnick, Ute Lefelmann-Petersen, Dorothea Meuren, Paul Nellen, Eva Quistorp
First signatories:

Mina Ahadi, Chairman of the Central Council of Ex-Muslims
Shiva Mahbobi, Spokesperson Campaign to Free Political Prisoners in Iran (CFPPI)
Prof. Dr. Susanne Schröter, Head of the Global Islam Research Center at the University of Frankfurt / Main
Samuel Schirmbeck, former ARD North Africa correspondent
Reinhard Mohr, journalist and author
Helke Sander, film director
Prof. Dr. emeritus Tilmann Nagel, Islamic scholar
Prof. Dr. Claus Nowak, Professorship for Personnel and Organizational Development at the University of Hamburg
Christa Limmer, Director of the Women's Emergency Call in Kiel
Dr. Necla Kelek, sociologist and publicist
Ali E. Toprak, CDU politician, Federal Chairman of the Kurdish Community in Germany e.V.
Dr. Dr. hc. Michael Schmidt-Salomon, philosopher and author, co-founder of the Giordano Bruno Foundation
Prof. Dr. Ruud Koopmans, Director of the Migration, Integration and Transnationalization Department, WZB Berlin
Dr. Lale Akgün, graduate psychologist, author, MdB a.D.
Christa Stolle, Federal Managing Director Terre des Femmes
Andrea Kornak, social pedagogue, Bündnis90 / Greens
Rana Ahmad, author, co-founder of the association for secular refugee aid
Frohmut Menze, Common Welfare Forum-Baden e.V.
Lea Rosh, support group "Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe e.V."
Dr. Rita Sélitrenny, political scientist
Walter Otte, lawyer, spokesman for the BAG Säkulare Bündnis90 / Die Grünen (Green Party)
Heiko Heinisch, historian, author and member of the scientific advisory board of the Austrian Documentation Center for Political Islam
Gunter Weißgerber, publicist, publisher of GlobKult magazine

Democrats online for the Constitution, against political Islam!
The petition "Protect Europe's Freedom, Stop Political Islam!" has moved.
Our demands for state neutrality and our freedom of expression are more protected from the influence of political Islam and its supporters on the open petition platform than on
Extremists radicalize one another and undermine our basic free democratic order.
Out of concern for the constitutionally guaranteed freedom of opinion, religion and science, which we currently see endangered by political Islam, right-wing and left-wing extremists, we reaffirm our positions:
- Free personal development for all children
- Consistent separation of state and religion
- Enforcement of equality between women and men
- strict enforcement of all constitutional freedoms

The authors of the petition "Protect Europe's Freedom, Stop Political Islam!"

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