
Unterschriften-Sammlung gegen die Aktion: "Ein neues Kleid für Maria"

Petent/in nicht öffentlich
Petition richtet sich an
S.E. Bischof Dr. Helmut Dieser

1.957 Unterschriften

Der Petition wurde nicht entsprochen

1.957 Unterschriften

Der Petition wurde nicht entsprochen

  1. Gestartet 2018
  2. Sammlung beendet
  3. Eingereicht
  4. Dialog
  5. Beendet

05.02.2019, 17:27

Hello dear supporters of our petition,

Last February 1, the winners of the competition "A dress for Mary" were announced at an evening event in Aachen Cathedral. Since then, the "new dress for Mary” in Aachen Cathedral is shown.

As we suspected and feared, the miraculous image of the Virgin Mary now wears no longer crown and scepter. Also the Child Jesus no longer wears his ruler insignia.
Since February 2, the designs are exhibited in the cathedral treasury.

The WDR contribution to the exhibition (here: bit.ly/2SaG3KY) says that all the designs on display are "timeless, never disrespectful". A look into the cathedral treasury gives the viewer a completely different picture:

For the second 2nd place, a result was chosen, in which the Blessed Virgin and Child Jesus are clothed with an alumium blanket (rescue blanket worth 2.50 € / 2,86 USD). Other designs range from a wool dress (reminiscent of a ghost), to business fashion for the Mother of God, a nurse outfit "Sister Mary of Nazareth" to a design with a light projection on the image of grace (the artist shows exemplarily a blood-smeared dress and her pierced Immaculate Heart inscribed "Mom", the symbol of a heavy metal band). On none of the designs does Mary wear a crown, but a design of a child shows her with a chicken cap on her head, in a "carnival costume".

This clearly indicates that behind the competition "A dress for Mary", the intention was not a worthy new dress for the image of grace, but the hidden intention to degrade Jesus and Mary. As is known, the funding required for the competition was taken from a donation intended to preserve the cathedral, but was diverted to the competition by Provost Manfred von Holtum: bit.ly/2UG2tR1. It should also be mentioned that a feek weeks before announcing the contest, the initiators of the competition Manfred von Holtum and Dr. Birgitta Falk accepted donations from 4 Masonic lodges: kaiserinvonaachen.wordpress.com/2018/11/07/neues-video-ein-kleid-fuer-maria-und-die-verstrickung-zur-freimauererei/.

The intention of the competition could already be seen from the beginning in the competition announcement: It was about to modernize the "forms of worship" (Press release of 03.07.18: bit.ly/2AGSBiB) and the Mother of God “is to be returned from her most elevated sphere, in which she is adorned with costly garments, crowns, sceptres and jewellery, and to be portrayed as a person and as our fellow.” (Competition tender 07.2018: bit.ly/2HRZ001).

Let us remember that the Mother of God told the children in Fatima that especially one of the 5 greatest sins against her Immaculate Heart is the vilification of her images. It is also known that in Lourdes since the chaplet over the Madonna "Je suis l'Immaculée Conception" was removed, less mercy and healings occur.

Since we want to honor the Mother of God, our mother, the Help of Christians and Empresses over Aachen and Europe, we will not simply accept this abuse, but proclaim this evil in Aachen Cathedral.

Please continue to pray in this concern, especially the Europe Rosary to Mary, the Help of Christians, the image of grace in Aachen Cathedral. You can receive it here: www.maria-europa.eu/contact.html

May God and the blessed Virgin reward you for your signature and your support. The public pressure has certainly prevented even worse result.

We will keep you informed about news.

With heartfelt regards

Hartmut und Ingeborg Savelsbergh

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